Over Mulberry Hill,
Time to no tune, looney be who's tunes. Time he has nonsense times. Time who times on what dime. He doesn't need dimeson's no times. He's has all the time.
Go back silver spoon. Toon looney eccentric if you knew looney.
Silver spoons sit com. The show is his life, including his toy bussiness,Eddie's toys focuses on the wealthy. Playboy Edward and his relationship with his son Ricky. He was unaware he had a son.Ricky well he comes to live with him. Edward epitomize the phrase "over grown child". He never taken responsibility for anything.
This is no sit com the Spooner is a young person advantaged hence Australian term. We's of's course are in Cloud County. Ands Hairy's aintse young no more.
Well his father be gone.
However if yous go down 81. Towards Salina of course. For yah's get out town. Look over your shoulder on the way out of town. That's be armory on the left. Don't almost miss well that's what the town call airport park out front. Can't see plains to well. What's knot so plane keep look in can't miss it. Thad be eyes vault of heaven dotted by the sun, moon, and stars. Why's woulds you wanna miss it. Blink pull over in joy the eye. Served to attract females showy features males by serial selection. Do yah gets tale. Which his tail peacock fans eye-spotted don't miss the ride. Over in a blink of an eye.
There tails they plumes. Some folks call that house behind. Them peacocks out front a mansion. A pair of peacock drinking from a vase. Are used as a symbol of the eucharist and the resurrection. As in representing the Christian believer drink in water of eternal life.
Well yous never know who comes out that's house.
Silver spoon was indication of social class. Denoting membership in land owned inherited class. Silver spoon was also an american bread throroughbred race horse.
Horses well mustangs later on dizzy home sanctuary.
How doed it all tie in withouts ties. Well like i said dont worry bout it.
Ands whats i's say is all comes backs around.
Wealth been born with silver spoon in the mouth. Family envirnment connotation that a person does not fully realise or appriciate the value their earned money. He cares knot about his moneys. Nor will he miss it.
He has no personality maladaptive patterns of behavior disorder. Didn't grow -up too be like his father.
More than mos in cloud county wells they kinda do. Aint nuthin wrong with that. Who are humans to have an opinion on it.
See Hairy well he wouldintse know he had a silver spoon. Well if you grew up with all the money yahs ever need. Well dont think cause yous gots. Life aint gonna change yah. Jus cause all of a sudden you got it.
Not probably but well father was riches man in Cloud County. Of course folks know this human fact. See not only that he was the kind of man. Mos wells that be all ever know anyone no one likes. That well thats be that man. Theirs no one like The Man.
Mr.Being who folks of Cloud had to call him. Cause yous see if yah used his fir name. Well he wouldn't answer to it. He would say to you and everyone else. My name is Mr.Being that is what you and everone else shall call me. This well be the name Hairy had to call him.
For being the Richie Richs of all cloud. You would figure he'd own a bussiness. Or at least have something to do with Concordia Chamber Of Commerce. Mr.Being didn't even bank anywhere near the county. Only thing he's had to have anything to deal with was his son. And i say thing cause he treated Hairy like one. Not only was that man rich. He had inherit looks. Of whats good looking. Back too Hairy so of course he has two problems. Think rich kid with looks mos want. Well how do you treat this kid. More than likely like he has no problem.
This being say how would yous know what was beings said. Well Hairy's was five when his mom's body die. How could he lie. Nuthin was said bouts it by his father. Creamated not even in the town. Shipped off to's Reno where she was from. Next day be human fact on it. He Hairy that is came back home from school. His mom he not see. Father say which he's never home was that day. Your mother's dead you will never speak to me of her. The next day he was gone again. Left with the only other person in the house.She being well his nanny of course. Love him nots of course. Anyway father done gone. Hairy's wells no actor he becomes. I guess do actors take on personality. Do yous know who you are. Humans most well they be asleep. Meaning they dont allow themselves to get rid of self.
Awakening to wake, do you human knows a's wake, we's are awake, their is no wake, thats no fake, can you see face wake, bake who's cake, humans do's yous bakes cakes, do you want to change your cake, humans are's snakes, we's have no fake, dont be a snake, dontse be's late for the wake, aint no human awake, dont be half baked wake too your bake,time has no sake, do you humans need a milk shake, aintse no's humans awake, befores it's to late, why so lates, dont be snakes eat your snake. Why not have your steak and eat it too.
Do you relize whats at stake. Humans do it for your own sake.
So a milkman in the village. Attempts to maintain his jewish religious ands cultural traditions. As outside influences encroach up on his family life. Tsar eventually evicts the jews from the town. This would be fiddler on the roof. Hairy's was in the high school drama department. So's anyway this aint high school no more. He done left the town went off to college. He was gifted, as an actor of course is a person. Potrays a character in a production. Role played, whether based on a real person or fictional character. In early middle ages, churches in europe began staging dramatized versions of biblical events.
Concordia High School Drama Department will present the musical fiddler on the roof. Post says nov 2, 2018.
While in college Hairy's father kicks who's bucket. He left no list. House well it belongs to Hairy now. It's jus he dont live in it.
Moral character is an evaluation of a's particular's individuals moral qualities. Befores we's tells yous bouts his unindividual no personalitys who do humans think they are.
Asleep no lower soul can reach full awakening. Las life time many time he be no's he. Mother ands father opposed his decision."wept with tearful faces"
They were pissed dont glorify some thing thats aintse.
How do yous think withouts think in. Humans all have stink in's think in.
Be in saids"when he descided to leave home".
Heart is where homes is parents do yous know slavery. Royal Shanka clan which means well you guessed it. That's means power ands more gold. Thans you humans woulds know what to's do withs.
The samana life is they say free open air. His father shielded him that was no he. Spiritual warrior of live in light. At firs las life be time of course. Siddhartha Gautana was not shocked by the outside world. To suffer is that of human. Too help end humans sufferings is the way of a spiritual warrior. Lives in the living light. This was completely opsosite of his human father. He didn't want his son to have anything to do with spirituality.
A budda means awakened one. Sufferings to reach no suffering. Gautana was no budda's.
Hairy's is in's no las life time it be Jess last time.
How did they come too's meet.
Not too many folks gets to meets Hairy Being.
He never comes outs his estate.
character:features that make up and distinguish an individual
Act no actor no he become. Is no man the man do you know The Man. Bakers dozen wells as yous know. Started whens Jess dad no he was alive. Thad be way back when.
Soul ships well Hairy started meanings theys gets a free ride. Meaning they dont have too work. Mean in not for the res of their lives. See the first thirteen all the way up till be present high school be tense. Not one them know it's Hairy's money. The Man dont let folks know who he is. Cause he know he's is knot role-playing to act. Represent in action The Man manifests.
Hairy is a spiritual warrior of live in light.
This means all three one yous knows.
Demonstration of present system of land grabbing the landlord game is a's 1904 reality ands taxation game. Befores of course all money lovers know monoply.
Lord of's no manor, of's no's lower nobility, higher nobility no royal domain, he's no he has no's kingship. Estates theys no longers have. Real he's no agent. Written difinition of an idividual laws of agency.
Capacity of an actor to act in a's given envirnment. Hairy's is a's giver care less love provider.
So's Ben Nolords too no's landlords. No frofit will ever be made.
Seems someone to everyones Mr. Nolords aintse in's his right mind.
This being saids hows coulds theys tell. Well he buys their houses. For no's profit no less. Guaranteedtheys rent free fors life. He no's he Ben nor Hairy own anything. The ultimate goal of estate planning can they say determined by specific goals of the estate owner. Complex as the owners wishes bye's directs. It's never been done before. Hairy's plans are too's leave with nothing. Cause afters all theys are all things. And like i said Hairy aint human. So's all that's gold Hairy leaves too's no one.
That being saids Mr.Nolords call him what yous wants. Some like too call him Ben. Are more than willing to sell there property. The values he pays is unheard of.
value: a numerical quanity that is assigned determined by calculations. Nolords they say is out of his mind. Where does he get all the money to do this they wonder.
Having lost control of one's mental faculties. He's is no he how could this be. Being said do yous own yours house. Your home is that's wads you call it.
Hairy's ands Ben dontse quite look at things. Like we'll the rest of Cloud County. It's only in the seven towns Nolords buys houses.
Flipping used to describe purchasing an quickly reselling. They create economic bubbles to burst. We's aintse in 2008. Borrowing standards become stricter. Leaving the housing market to bottom out. Flipping term of schemes. Involving market manipulation derogatory term. For legal real estate investing.
Flipping out how Bravo's TLC'S do's yous know flip that house how's bouts this A&E flipped off
humans is whats Hairy Being is about. Theys canteen ever sell there house. Why's yous spose that is.
Wells woulds yous like too sell this is what I got you owe next 30 years on this hear property your payments i's already know bout see this what's im's gonna do's for yahs I'm buying your house paying the bank off the value of the house imna give you too do with as you please I don't care bouts yours ages as long as you live yous gets too live in it any improvements you would like too make wells I pay for afters yours gone move outs or other know this house wills be soul gift for generations too's come I am investing in your souls i's dont invest in yours human
Theys dontse even have to haves a's property tax too's pay.
Emily Loffer married to Brice. This ain't July fifth 4:15 pm. Facebook says,"can you tell this was the best day of my life"?
Woulds yous like me too soul invest in you cause i manifest what i write let yourselves be's guided too's us
First-time buyer is usually desirable to a's seller. As they do not have to's sell property. Thus not involving a housing chain. Why do yous think not to thinks Mr.Nolords. Woulds buys every house he's no he could. Dontse worry bouts it's quite dont let be a's yets.
The host of the show. Coaches first time buyers to adjust there dream home vision. To a more realistic one . That's fits the market on their budgets. Property to your virgins Mr.Nolords dontse care bouts public hair. That being saids high school yes woulds yous like too's stay in's cloud county. Someone is acting in a strange ands silly way. Mr.Ben is off his rocker she first say. Be's firs student too graduate with free house an's money to's burn. Many more Ben's off his rockers graduation soul gifts for life.
A's yets ands dontse worry bouts it's. Hairy's has hasn't kicked who's bucket list well they grow. No's naughty or nice lists of no business like show businesses.
Like we'say heaven guides in three.
Term applies to creative elements. Enity they call a business is not necessarily separate from the owner and the creditors. Can hold the owner liable for debts hasacquired.
Soul proprietorship well be owned if yous call being own. Operates capitalism is knot a democracy for there ownersbenefit.
Obligations incurred operating cost. Would you like too have no's judgements against your no longer business. Real property very few sole proprietorship own. Rent theys are's owned. Partnership is whats to's yous. Each partnerships is still one. Has unlimited liability fors the debts incurred by let's say business. Frofit who's has sharing is this called caring. Are's you care bear who cares bouts employees making profit. In as they calls small why business. They say management is the efficient ands effective why operations of business. Why's be's an's eemployee with own who's ship. Why do Americans have levels. Why's nots be level.Who is free do you have baoss. 401 who has a's k why don't theys. They dontse live around no's circle K. Business they have no more plan. Theys met Stan Plan whats yours soul plan. Stan aintse no man. Does man's have plans. Stan they think is a man. He buys no man outs from under.
I'm buying yours plans. This is how it's created. Your business is about to be gone. The building your in yous can't afford. The time frame for achieving yours goals has ran outs. Financial projections intended to implement has done gone past. Your business is goings to's be's gone in the pas. Your bank loan will come to end. Eternal goals do yous care bouts your employees. Project plans for them you have none. Decision making tools you dontse know your trade. Woulds theys trade places withs yous. They make minimum wage. Theys are how old to's you.
Woulds yous like your bank loan payed off. I would like your business it wills no longer be one. Three employees no longer will work for you.
I am offering all four of yous soul ships. Meaning equals you are no longer above them. Equal:identical in mathematical value logical denotation yous dictate no king or queen nuthin
Mean in's their is no boss of Hierarchy. Four ways profit gets splits. If one decisides to's lickety-why would theys split. Do yahs sell banna splits. The building your in is rent free now for life. This place will be for generations too's come. Soul Splits Fors Life●●●.
One body die heaven will guide next Soul Plan. No humans will ever own a Soul Place.
Well human what year do yous think Cloud County be in. That's was started way backs when. Theys know nots Hairy cause Hairy's Being doesn't show. Many faces they see. Picture shows do's yous know.
Touched by an angel do you know.
All are one humans don't know.
disguise:implies a change in appearance,they say behavior Hairy's don't change, that misleading by presenting a different apparent identity
Their is no mislead.
How many faces of Hairy.
Do yous knot think they have seen. How more asleep do's yous think humans can be.
Car salesman used cars plot movie's who cares. Kurt Hairy become Russell same suit same car drives too's farm countyFord. Well Jackie Vernard that day.Had been working for them for two be years. Walks in ask her what new car would you like. Please pick one thank you for being yous. You dontse come from hear. Heaven your souls go's back too. Your soul has been hears befores.These are The Last Days Of Man
Time do yous have frame.Times too's frames who's to's where.Do yous need too be where's. Hairy hasn't left the house sense god knows whens. Hairy's is no Christian. Cloud County yous hardly meet any folks aren't. One of his faces plays one. Hairy has never step a human foot inside a church. Being his las name. Hairy Being has never changed. Hairy grew up in cloud county. 5,111 town of Concordia 2020 be your census 9,032 total. Hairy Being be long gone. Lived too be human life to that of an old man's body. So obvious to humans who read. That's from small towns everyone knows everyone's. Why's woulds theys nots knows it's Hairy's who comes out the house. Mr.Peacock always comes outs his mansion. He greets folks ands invites them too's enjoy his birds. One even let you pet her. No one however has been invited in. Where does Jess ands Mister's Peacock fits in. Well their is no long no story short. His dad knew who he really no he Hairy Being was.
Meaning Jess got invited in. See every no thing is timing of course. The ability to select the precise moment for doing something no things for optimum effect.
Sees Jess comes backs too's cloud county. Jess dontse know Hairy's Being. He only knows of the many faces of. Cause everyone has met Mr.Peacocks. Jess comes back as more than a spiritual warrior of's live in's light. Executor of the estate well Thad be Jess.
Over Mulberry Hill,
I'll be back in the morning with the bill, bill, bill, Miss Molly had a dolly who was sick sick sick, so she called for the doctor to come quick,quick,quick.
Miss Polly had a dolly is a nursery to her rhyme.
She don't care bout rhymes.
I'm goin too Jesus Well the otherside of tracks over there. Grown enough daddy said(3)Ruth go.
Who goes good golly Miss Molly who's got a's dolly.
Aint no regular doll be made by hand bye's great be Ruth's dad. Be's created with wood from house Ruth lived in. Take in care of her dad.
Robert the doll well was purchased by Otto's grandfather in 1904.
Her doll be older than that.
Anyway the doll's sailor suit was an outfit Otto wore as a kid. Tourist attraction donated to the east Martello museum.The doll has no supernatural powers of abilities that allow it to move. Change it's facial expressions, and make giggling sounds. Local be your folk lore. No doll can cause job loss. Divorce and a cornucia of other misfortunes. The museum visitors say the experience "post-visit misfortunes for failing to respect Robert".
Dolly has nevers failed at anything. Thad day over Mulberry Hill (3).Sun give in rays for the day. Her shortest day of the year. She gives, bend in light, two sun dogs connect in halos between.
Well that's days Molly's looks afters daddy while he's gone. I's gots me's herbs me gonna mix fors yahs whens me's gets dones at church.
Cross(3)two farm fields,cross the tracks, two step too the road, too meet. Goin ta Jesus Well, to hear the good word. I take care of my daddy nows. He calls me his MA Rufth now Ruth go.
Your never forgotten Ray. Never gone Ray, I seen her today.
Remember that was Ramama Gypsy.
Anyway folk be your medicine. Family farm kinda medicine. Mixed in with the be ancient be Christian be's no book. She gave too her. It's a's majicals book's. We's'll get too that's later. Your brains dontse worry bouts it. All connects be's laters.
Paddle dolls found egyptian tombs movable limbs and removable be clothing.
Rag be's dolls ands yes they had stuffed animals.
Greeks called a doll kopn. Literally meaning "little girl". Dolls in graves of's roman they call children. Ands of course they dressed their doll to the latest fashion. Greek girls dedicated their dolls to Arthemis ands Roman's to's Venus.
Poppet dolls used represent a person. For casting spells on that person.
Hoodoo ta's years voodoo. Folk be majic Molly is a's majicals healing doll. Well MA Ruth's as yous knows aintse no's spring chicken. Are you no spring chicken in's yourselves. Also a musical comedy 30 may1905.
Kitchen witch is a poppet they used in kitchen for good luck. And they say ward off bad spirits.
MA Ruth's Molly she is a tool with love energy be being energy's.
Theys are spiritual tools. Cause as yous knows already spirits can effect your energy call them levels. Can help heal or make yahs sick.
Hopi kachina masked spirits.
Puppets ands masks allow ordinary peoples to state what's impossible in the real situation.
Folks be Christian folk be's church folks different kind of folk. Do you know folklore. No need to be old speak in to modern created transmitted. Using words of separation inta us them and they. Lore old English lar instruction traditions particular group frequently passed along by word of mouth. Hail to there Mary do you bow,Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners. Added catechism of the council of tent 1566. Saying we should earnestly implore her help ands assistance. For she possesses exalted merits witGod. She is most destroys to assist us in prayers. No one can doubt without impiety and wickedness.
This should not make sense to the simplest brain folk. They are asking humans to pray to someone who is in heaven. A spirit can't assist you in prayer. Your brain a thing has the wickedness not yous.
Roman catholic separation between religions sacrament of penance. Forgiveness of there sins. By Jesus Christ through a priest. How can a man with a brain who has sinned. Talk to god ands be's above you.
Expressions be of prayer vocal be handed down. Repentance is sincere regret remorse for sin.
Who's brain does knot sin. Forgiven by who man god father. All are forgiven cause all sin. Being said how do yous think without thinking. God would forgive you without asking for it. Who made you to pray for forgiveness.
They say term being rural illiterate and poor. Contrast be of yours urban. Christians seem ta's be's Christian where Evers yous go. How would you like too go.
Islamic rule act of dancing in public especially for women is taboo. But dolls ands puppets have free and independentidentities. And do whats not feasible for a real person.
Wesleyan Christians at this be time dontse allow dancing. 150 psalms 4 praise him with drums and dancing.
No robe cassock knot black knots because of royaly purple souls color. No idea of black reflect in the ideas of dying. The world's desires ands solely living for God service.
The word comes french casague. Jus like Ramama came from south of France.
Rosery twelve beads theys be.
High she be priestess twelve they be's all twelve be goddesses.
From different churches cloud county.
Secred circle around bon fire. Palm too palms joined together they all be's. Drum begins too play outside circle Avery 12. They begin too hum too's humming from within. Raising the vibration all begin too's vibe higher. Hands come apart arms open attitude of prayer.
together as one
cassocks come off
Power too flow from body in, a manner unimpeded by cloths. Sacred dance separation of soul and body.
Traditions yes come from yes majicals be no book. Spells for healing protection energy with prayers mixed in.
Tools used curved be the blade boline.
Chalice created from dog be yours wood Luke 22.19.
Chalice of wine over head gets poured over body.
Front of altar amethyst middle rest top.
Wand raising of Lazarus ands feeding no multitudes.
Around 235 there etching date be wrong. Oldest they have not found. MK.2:1-12 is no roman style toga. He no's he Jesus be wearing arms outstretched towards the man's knot paralyed. Yes jesus carried a wand. It's why it's in ancient art.
Twelve wands created dogwood. Used as tools for christian spells prayers mixed in.
Infinity symbol no cross T.
Moon cycles eight as in eight elements. New moon Hebrew lunatin number is the count of lunations. In the Hebrew calender. Beginning October 6th.
Rosary be 12 beads wood infinity hang.
Rosary three sets of five mysteries. Each mystery being meditated on. While reciting a decade. A set of 10 Ave Maria.
They say mysteries concern events. Of Jesus life during his childhood.
Sacred book no more mystery. South of France handed down.
Pope Paul said the rosery is a treasure of graces. Even for those souls who pray without meditating, the simple act of taking the beads in hand to pray. Is already a remembrance of God of the supernatural. Pope Pius " the Rosary is a powerful weapon to put the demons to fight".
Supernatural there is no fight. Weapon we use no weapons. The brain comes from fear.
(0) Eat in a baby ruth. While watch in MA Ruth watch in's Hee Haw.
Humor with fictional rural "cornfield kounty" aired from 1969 to 1983. The hee haw honeys farmers daughters outfits.
MA Ruth's dontse wear no daughters dresses only sundays. Not even on wendsday Bible studies. Molly of course wears a dress where ever she go. Where's does she's go's.
With MA Ruth's of's course. Bedside some times Park Villa nursing home.
Jenna she completed all 12, of her yearly in-service, with 3 months of hire. Says thank you for all you do for park villa.
We's say froms heaven thank yous Miss Jenna's fors being you.
Sometimes she changes her dress she is blessed. All those who come in contact with her feel her energy.
Tools used do you think Rufth's. As a young kid. Thought of her as a tool. How do you figure a dolly could be blessed.
Blesse, a tittle assigned by the Roman catholic church to someone who has been beautified. Beatication means "blessed" to "make" is a recognition accorded by the catholic church. Of dead persons entrance into heaven. And capacity to intercede.
Who gave the right to the roman catholic church to bless. Cause all souls come too heaven. Since the reforms of 1983, as a rule, one miracle must be confirmed to have taken place through the intercession of the person to be beautified. Blessing performed by bishops, priests, and deacons. Performance is indeed what it be. A human can't bless humans.
Molly is not possessed. She has no possession. She's has no possessions. MA Ruth doesn't look at hers like she owns her. Molly believe it or not has free will. Ands of course Ruth knows their are spirits helpers. Through soul guides is how creation works. They give being energy's too.
Molly doesn't actually have the energy.
Well how do they feel. Some feel scared Somes feel lonely. They all wanna feels good.
She ain't jus comforting them.
Let it be wonder who's got bread. Their ain't no slice. MA Ruth don't make any dough off no folks. Do you know her rising time. Yeast to flour who's got the loaf. Baked how does she put her bread on the table. Spread who got her spreads. Why's Ray's breadbasket of course. Mean in she gets too keep the doctor who away. Are more than jus who's herbs. Family be more than familys farm kinda remedies. Her remedys aint folk reamedy. Folk medicine done by ordinary folks.
MA Ruth's kind of kinds of's kind. She gives all with no self involved.
Magic be a practice majical be withs divine of course help. What ailment in question. Their is no questions.
Ruth has been a healer sinse little girl. They jus dontse think of her as one. Cause unthinkable majical being no things happen. Mean in aint just there faith mean in brain questions. Faith healing brought about by they say religious faith. Through prayer as a Christian belief. That's god heals people through power of there holy spirit.
Called miracle healing
Roman Catholic Church emphasizes theological virtue. Of charity demand that we not neglect natural means of healing people. Cause after all charities is there demand from yous. Who are ill and the cardinal cause it's about them. They say virtue they have none of prudence forwards not" to employ a technique that has no scientific support . Or plausibility healing by divine grace. Intercede on behalf of the sick through the invocation of the lord Jesus, asking for the power of the holy spirits, an appeal to the saints for there aid.
Some folks don't believe they are worthy or deserve it. There instruction on prayers for healing. Has doctrines of sickness and healing. Made by brains that have no clue. They get to say whats superstitions of practice ands whats not. Just believing hard enough, long enough or strong enough will not strengthen yous or promt your healing.
Be Rome say healed has been described as a privilege of accepting Christ's redemption on the cross. Our Jesus never said. Jesus said to him,go your faith has made you well. Immediatly he regained his sight and followed him on the way mark 10.52. Their was no need in no's faith. How's coulds yous ands why woulds you need faith. "Bound up wounds pouring on oil and wine 34. Jesus was a healer.
Apostles were knot holy men. Who had direct access to god. Do you humans have access to god. Ands channel his power to heal. There was no saint Peter as yous know. Couldn't even find himself.
Pope Francis well be puppet. Cardinals well theys tightened the rules. On money and miracles in the cononization process. Sadly the catholic Christians believe the lives of cononized saints in the church will reflect christ. How much money yah spose they make off. There man made shrines off's there pilgrims.
Shines with no shrine healing space no's ordinary space. MA Ruth helps too's create their spaces. Pictures too image gets put in. Of loved ones who have crossed.
Most of course folk be human word conservative Christians. Mean in knot open too the wonder of embracing the unknown. Something new ands knot narrow.
Their energy state of mind changes theys open up without realizing it. The space they dontse realize is actually created with christ. As yous know it's two bye's two's. Meanings humans your too guides are's helping you create the space. The love one some start talking too's while in their space. Things chosen for the spaces aren't just objects thats there brain are choosing. Most think it's there christian healing space. As yous know their aren't any christians in heaven.
MA Ruth is fully aware of this also.
Just like when some souls get ready too cross. Guide will show energy image of there beliefs. Like Jesus ors Mothers no mother mary. Or of love ones images of bodies. As yous know our form is thats of littles planets energys.
"HIGHER "view of scripture being the authoritive "WORD" of god. A belief in there own brain authority. Believe in biblical literalism. That the bible has all authority. Christian right means political. We have no politics. That's means if it inters in. It come from the brain not you. Dotse have a view. No judgement human dont know whats goings on's. Christian do what christians do's. Jus dontse let it be monkey see monkeys do. Three wise monkey,see no evil hear no's evil speak no evil. Looking the other way looks too us. We's know the way.
Looks too me's images not at's me image thisis be's Harpers be's Ferry be Jefferson be's county me's pass life me wases in's cloud be county's i's wases a's Kearns thisis me i's take form as Bubba's fors yous gets too's meet me's froms heaven i's keep thisis form's till 2027's. Pas be me stuffy stuff life me's goings too be's born again human i's woulds like too invite yous too's cloud someday be in christ county thisis be's where's the next bible's wills be write in's theirs are's souls their thats have come too's theirs manys life times theys haves hads jus likes galilee's me's soul wases there's me's nots going too's tells yous who's me's pass life's wases in's Bible's i's be's in's alls three's me be in Martinsburg West Virginia's wifs me's granpajacob's hep in those who's dontse knows us'es ses me energys be otherside me's use being energy too create joy those image themselves rubbed me belly's fors them images sees theys gets gift in futures of's me's image of clear be's of day in's mind miracles fors thems brain gift fors them soul thems goings too's knows them aintse going too die this day be's october thirds 2024's we's dontse create in's present be create in's thisis fors life times too's comes me's woulds like too come too's cloud county's me's would like too invite yous too in's christ county this hows we's create heaven's thisis side comes rubs me's majicals tummy's it's called Bubba's Sout Rub's
yous gets too experience heaven in a's majical ways
Well so's this is how it works. Yous cantse sees the majic in this year. Cause wells humans have taken over. Like they always do. Time does not tell. Yous now have a way too's tells. Let yours human selves go. Let the majic begin. I's have majicals pencils. Whens yous read in's this year befores 2027. Cause that's when the whole world starts too's know. Cause jus like ours Jesus hads a's wand left.
All we's write come froms heaven.Dontse let what little bit of life yous have pass you bye.
Cause the brain doesn't need too's be in the way. Yes I am hear I love yous all
Over Mulberry Hill,
Well how's the well Jesus Well that is. There's no harrowing of he'll. Descent of no christ hades. Go ahead ands call it a spade. Dead 4.6 underworld good tidings to who's. 4.9 can they descend humans can. Dark still place sheol no more. He'll there is no damned. Doors of death be her man be yours made.
MA you 13.4 hear that I ain't that Def. Them kids playing that song again (2). Joe is in charge of that church. Joe don't dance there aintse no dance in church. Dance ain't allowed at Thad church.
Satanic to's your panics. Moral they say panic. Religious fear be yours movement. Call it the moral majority. Satan caught up like a paw in there hysteria. So's oppression and restrictions put on by parents. Cause of fears fueled by the media. Teens do whats teenagers do rebel.
Sained glass cause two kids shot themselves. Name of Album they were listening to Judust Priest. One survives Belknap. Lawer do whats lawyers do's money. Say subliminal be message "try suicide" "do it" "let's be dead" Vance's mom said he was troubled. But changed for the better. Ands re-embraced his family Christian faith. Before the "garbage music" led him again astray. Dismissed message was guitar cord with exhaustion pattern.
The number of the beast woe to you, oh earth and sea, for the devil sends the beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short, let him you hath understand, reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number,it's number is six hundred and sixty six. Iron be yer Maiden.
Number of the beast book of revelation chapter 13 verse 18.
This calls for wisdom. Whoever is intelligent can figure out this meaning of number of the beast, because the number is 666.
In's Arabic numerals as 616. Greek numeral Jesus didn't speakGreeks. Jus cause human brains found a fragment of old papyrus. Codex 616 number well theys dontse matter. Kinda like yours brains don't matters. "The jews have ever looked forward to the messiah as a great leader. To restore the kingdom ofIsrael. They rejected Jesus cause he did not restore Israel. "Mark" charagna imprints on coins are yous humans fromRome. You just live in the new Romes. People believe revelation 13 speaks of a future prophetic event, "all who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the book of life of the lamb. Slain from the foundation of the world"13.8.
They will not worship me's theys will love me. The names of third book will be written. Slain wills be the Roman Catholic Church.
I am Jacob's christ i am the antichrist.
Revelation this yours revelations man is knot god I walk.
Concert be shirt iron maiden be's live after death. Jess be live still not alive yet. That's shirt's he wears. Well it's be's kinda illegal naows. Parent folk well theys be church folks. So's time being well church folk brains seem to's be wells scared. Cause religion well of course theys put their kids in slavery. More than other kinda's folks. They do it ands of course dontse think bouts wad they doing. Cause well as yous know humans be part animals. Being said course there brain wanna protect and control with sick human thin in mixed in.
So all these metal bands kids like to listen to's. Have trickled down from the top. Meaning the head of the church. To churches shouldn't have leaders.
One who wontse let Joe lead the kids church. Be Jess currently is the man he is. With a guide who communicates with him. See Joe dontse want to quit having church on sunday. Cause parent folks of course like there kids at their churches. Not jus cause on sundays. Sees some like to blame others being saids. The song playing cause the kids like it.
Be paranoid,
and, so, as you hear the words telling you, now, of my state i tell you to enjoy life, i wish i could, but its to late. This be Black Sabbath.
This is on a saturday night. Course Jess said we dont need too have church on a sunday.
We can take the day off for rest. So he tells the kids bouts do you think god really commanded rest on the seventh day. Sounds like a lot of man made shit up. Why's cause theys put it in scripture. Joe come on at least say parts them words put in otherwise your shit for brains. Yah can't win no's battle bouts bible with me. Big deal I know the bible more than anyone you'you've ever known. It's nevers bouts the bible im's talking bout.You wanna be like them. Yer like yours dad stay that's way. He aintse hear bye's the way. But ands hold on, let me finish cause your saterday is gonna call it yer congregation yours one ordained. This hear church Donna's be full. We together might wanna think bout addin on. A club house I have in mind. Cause well Bell you Joe don't need know everything. How bout take in your man out the picture. Ands let god cause that's a word. Let heaven do it's majic everyday miraclesJoe. Which none of us have question. My bud's ands yours friend Dizzy be right hear. Already told you open yerself up and listen too the music. Aintse none of embracing devil worshippers. Yous know anybody in school is. Let me school yah kid. You don't listen to the lyrics cause well for one you don't like the type of music. So your brain shuts off from it automatically. Two you know bout the bands as much asses theys do. Once that's black box sets in cause who Geraldo Revera. Now wow knots only my's Nana mom. Which Joe dontse kid yourself. You call roman catholics well there christian to. Listen if a woman that's bat suits crazy can manipulate a whole county with power of one church.She aint even leader. She controls puppets on ands offs withs knot jus money or her power. She digs ands controls their feelings. Withouts thems even knowing it. This added with look at my shirt you like Eddy. Big deal he's a skeleton. Know whens parents looks at's them shirts. Cause how many kids dontse have one. It's wad as you know Joe ands don't like in style. Yah don't like popularity neither. It's part of whats I like bouts you. Think Joe yahs should thinks its funny. Kids tell yah they cant figure outs how come such a dork can play ball. It still hurts yours feelings. Let it be funny its unique. None of us Know anyone quite like you. Big deal think I don't know that's yous thinks Dizzy is your only friend. Who do you think the rest of us are. Joe Nick over hear jus likes give yahs shit. It's whats he does. He just dontse know sometimes cause well Nick aint all their in the head. See he's laugh in cause nots only that cause he's in love with himself. Yours sister why's dont you open up. Ands knot let an adult brain take over. Cause she's actually been your best friend. What Kristie it's true. Yahs know you two can look too each other as friends. Anyway the Sabbath do you really think god commanded rest on the seventh day. Holy be to yours day. You think god rested from creation. Biblical commandment "remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy".Being doesn't not rest like man. Who's day why's would god need a's Holly's days. Sabbath-breakers were officially cut off from the assembly or killed 13.15. Listen Joe Jess go Sabbath an i's knows yahs dontse care bouts wads yous call jew thought. See folk tradition Sabbaths was midnight to's midnights "saturday". So knows kids going be come in right hear. From all over the county. Aint going be any figin's withs Hazard kids. We do in away with the others man made. That's been going on sents Burtons ands them split. That's be fors theys was even towns. Your the man for it. Yes Nick I'm talking too yous. We bouts done with your like in to fight Hazard folk. The kid folk come hear well theys gonna's be a few yous naughty. I'm create in it Thad way. Don't have anything to do with you. See we join together least while your hear. That means Nick once yahs get to talk in's too'tshem. Thats means theys like yous. Jus like kids you've scrap with here. Listen Nick yah dontse think about it. Reason being your in love with Nick. Most folk can't help but to like you. Even Joe sometimes that's almos impossible. Cause he don't like human. He hasn't figured that out yet. He ain't supose too like humans. It's why he's kinda likeJesus. Nick what's it mean is your popular. They don't know it yet. Cause I'm knot jus playing chess. I'm create in with love. Bring in kids together. We's already gots a few that's comes too Dizzy Home. That's loss their folks cause of drink in. And as yous all know their ain't no drink in around here. I have respect from all kids. Meaning there never will be any. We got Way-Vo's meaning saturday if they want rides from four corners. Theys gets one cause it will be too hear. Not only that from any where's they want. If theys been drink of course. Joe stop your brain and listen. You ain't gonna be at home base. See's saturday is midnight too's midnight. You dontse get to play home base. Baseball games oh well yous dont neeto's be here. Everyone except Nick ands me's will take turns at's base. Got some news for yah befores the good news.That's kid froms Hazard I'm doin my firs leg for. Well dont yah think it be a good idea. If's someone who's parent is locked up. Gets to's come ands be's a's part of us. Meaning it's done deal. She's going be coming hear stay in the weekends. She didn't grow up like you Joe. She's wants try outs home base taking calls. She's funny as shit ands dontse give two shots. Meaning kids are's going too more than like her phone they will be conversations. Meaning connections meanings kids gonna wanna call Joe. You know anything about mass. The answer is very little. What does the Roman Catholic church have thats your church Joe dontse. See i already know that qick thought. Im talking about our church. Not your dad's i's aint no phychic. This is your church Joe. Mean in yous leave in. Ands Nick that's normal for you. See i didn't jus smile at you cause im feel in. As you well dontse knows. See Nick fear of me. Yous aintse ever gonna get rid of. Reason you picture in your brain a few seconds ands have thats fear. Cause Nick yous fear very little for a man. I fight like no man. Whys you been experiencing fear. Because im leaving of course. Cept it's not like yous think. Meaning thats fear ands thoughts are going away. Im's going too see too thats they are. Joe how you exspect this hear church. Ta's keep go in did yahs think of it's future. Don't worry bout it later. Cause I already got some one in mind. You get to help him become all legal human like yourself. It means help in get that church paper work. Mean in I ain't being mean. He's sixteen meaning Mr.Ordained he'll be coming hear onSaturdays. Where yes leader of no church. You were's the first one. Mean in handed up knot down. This is Jesus Well Kids Church. I spect your god my being ands those who guide in's heaven. Cans do jus fine without man's help. As for Joe this ain't no ordinary church. Jus cause Genesis 28.22 says giving a certain percentage of your stream of income to god.
Joe you were raised to's give to your church yours dad gives way more than he shoulds. You all cantse afford to's do so. He ain't ever gonna stop reason I'm say in this. Cause Jesus Well Kids Church ain't ever gonna's be pledge to's yer drive. Or's making money off events we have. We dontse ands ain't gonna make any kind of revenue. Fundraising will nevers be for the kids church. Plate to no offering. Joe you can think there yer flock. Nuthin wrong with that. Jesus had no flocks. Investments aint no church should be able to invest in companies ands businesses. This of course will never happen. It's a slap in the face that's knot what jesus walked for. It goes against everything heaven is about. Souls are in this church knot money. Ministries of Rome ain't no mystery. How Joe do you think I afford all the gas. How's you think I make my money. Your dad gives you moneys. I dont except any kind of gold from Nanna's Ratched thinks ands like ta's pretend she's my mom. Anyway dont worry bouts it's Joe. Jesus Well Kids Church will be take in care of. Jesus was an outlaw. Like i's said dont worry bout it. Being said good news cause Joe this church will overflow. If yous alls like the idea we calls it's
Saturdays 12 AM too's 12 PM Jesus's Kids Tweny Four.
Aint no reason why's sunday yous all go back too's yours parents church. That's ways yous all theys know cause they dontse knows yets. Neither do you kids sees it come back around. What's theys think aintse really goings on. See there adult adults that's don't know no better. Being said we let them think they have power. Then heaven shows thems wad real power is. That's controls too's no's man control. Aint no Satan in the music. Very few devil they call worshippers be in cloud county. If kids at's our school dont know any. Ands know one does. This aint done it comes undone. Our Jesus Well Kids Church will have their respect.
So how do yous supose this gets done
Tracer be Murdocks Aubrey be's Stehlmans. King be yours Queen all kings in heaven. 2024 be's no homecoming all souls go too heaven. Froms las god too's walk.
Their in high school now of course.
Concordia Middle School all yours familys souls go too's heaven.Says throughout the week the 6th grade students had the oppertunity to experience different greek mythology.
Kid heart challenge kicked off today. Welcome home Concordia Elementary School.
This is wad happened a thing takes place where's things take place. The churches is where it takes places. Heaven creates man dont work. Lets go three weeks.
Kid they be's kids course theys like too have fun. Ands what betters place it's start in too's become. Jesus Well Kids Church start in ta's fill. That's Saturdays has becomes. Quite the's place where's kids wanna's be's. Reason being they in joy themselves. Theys dontse quite knows what it is. Cause it's ain't a feeling ands like I said this be a las walk so that's majic always when Jess creates. Of course he don't know yet he's christ walking. Aint jus church services that's goings on. Having fun kids do whats kids do's. Hide ands seek so too's speak. What's do yous seeks. Aint hiding from parents anymore is what you see. Cantse be stopped is what's it's be. Parents talk to them bout where's they've beens. Where have you been. Why Jesus Well Kids Church of course. Ands whats do parents who are Christian like. Yous guessed it them too be into Jesus. Ands of course not getting inta's any kind of trouble. And you didn't have too guess it know where there at.
Well they talk to other parents theys talks too. By the next Saturday kids round counties already knew. Fliers if yous dontse know are ray-finned fish. Don't really matter cause the pond ain't got any. Fish in be bes early be's morning. Flyers went out competition they say rivalry theys says two or more parties strive for a common goal which can not be shared. What can be shared is jesus. As you know Hazard County be outside republican river. See be eight towns be's seven in's Cloud.
The pond wells be well stocked. Why would folk not know this. Well reason being ain't no one allowed on the property. Another is it was stocked long ago. Meaning no one knows bouts it. Heaven being ain't no fishing been done.
Fish well served more often thans not. Friday night during the lent. Especially fundraisers for Roman Catholics.
The tradition of Christian fasting onFridays. Recognize Jesus crucifixion on goodFriday.
Flyers say we wont make yous fishers of men. Early morn saturday mornings Come Fish For Jesus. Biggest catch gets Kristie Goodwins pan hop in pop in's fish fry. Battered only one gets her potato pancake surprise.
Five small ands two fish. Come make it all yous can eat fish frys.
Go fish cards the player with most books dontse win. Know your book too win. You dont have too's wins withs jesus. Card tables be out front hay bale pews. Different games differents times all the time.
Bring Jesuses surprize so's we's have prizes Jesus Has No Price Raffles.
Bring some meet brings meat we will heat.
Never Too's Late With Jesus All Day's Night No Devil All Nights Bbq done right. Dont have be home befores midnight.
Some are ecumenical with preachers from different demoninations. They have attracted people whose after hearing the preaching. Undergo a conversion experience ands join a local church. This of course be called a's tent revival.
Revivals definition be act or instance of reviving:the state of being revived:such as a's renewed attention or's interest in something.
The Kids Church wells of courses aintse no's tent. Ands Joe well he's aintse no ordinary preacher. Sees too's let yahs in's on's a's little futures secret. Joe be Jess's prophet. Jess of's course be's christ last prophet's.
Term "to testify" "to give testimony" to mean to tell the story. Of how one became a Christian.
Testimonials well why have any. Cause mos of kids roun Cloud County be kinda bornChristian. So ain't hardly a's testimony to come to Jesus. Why calls it a test. Something measuring a skill. How do yous measure up toJesus. Joe's starts too's see how fun his Jesus cans be. Jess creates for Joe behond what a congregation is too man. Congregationalism is a reformed tradition of protestantChristianity.
Meaning they practice government. What was Joe like that Jesus was likes. I write this cause Joe is done gone. Meanings soul back too heaven. Jesus didn't walk for the government. The church was never met to have any form of man rule. Joe feels mean in at's this time with no frame. How does he's frames jesus.
A sermons the act of delivering a's sermon is called preaching.
Anything too do withs material or the government Joe's preaches.
"take no thought how or what year shall speak 13.1. This means withouts a's brain. Jesus had no brains meaning guided. Jus like Joe is. Meanings Jesus says, " give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to god what belongs to god" Mathew 22.21.
Jess knows this of course. Nots in the way Joe's knows this of's courses. They both of course know the meaning.
Jess has nothin too's do with The Church at's this time.
Joe has a hole lot ta's do with being Christian humanized. Cause he was raised church-e-fied.
Born again came to refer to a's conversion experience accepting Jesus Christ. As lord ands savior in order to be saved from hell. Ands given eternal life with god in heaven.
Jess knows their aint no such thing as hell he also knows Joe dont know this. Why's would he at this time.
Individuals who profess to be "born again" often state they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of god unless they are born again.
This means born back too heaven. Jess knows this but of course he dontse tell christians this.
Preachers theys like to's save Joe aint no different. Saved who cans Joe's save cause he'd like too. Kinda hard if they allchristians who's come.
Salvation for Christianity is only possible through Jesus Christ.
Anyway 1970's be your mainstream media as part of the born again movement. This means brought the's phrase to the attention of manyAmericans. Sheep well of course follow sheep. Mean in's man always follows man.
He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd who doesn't own the sheep, and flees. No one takes it away from me, but i lay it down by myself. I have power to take it again 10.11-18.
Jesus aintse talk in's bouts himself. Cause their is no's self. Hire hand me's no work. Souls dontse works. Kinda hard too own a soul. Of's course the wolf is the beast of man. Powers too's take it's agains means lower souls cant be take in's over by mans.
Shepherd who's hases pie, made wifs ground lamb no surprise, hot on sundays, cold on's monday, hashed on tuesday, minced on wedsdays, curried on's thursday, broth on's fridays, cottage pies be's beef saturday surprise. Little's Mutton's do in's fine.
Fellowship be no meal faith be's no's supper.
Potlatch to give away the honouring of supernatural. Involved music dancing singing story telling making speaches joking ands games. The giving of gifts.
Banded cause of urging of missionaries cause they was idigenious peoples.
Lady's Luck's fortuna in roman Mythology goddess of fortuna.
Guys ands dolls come as yous are.
Musical song lucky be a lady.
Pot calling the kettle black dontse brings yours pops.
Had no pot jesus hads no jack pot.
Jesus Twenty-Four Pot Luck Spread.
Jesus broke bread come join the's spreads.
Don't touch the light bon fire was a's heavy metal band. Always hiding, in darkness, for you can burn your life in the light.
Come Finds Yours Lights Bonfire Alls Nights.
Sleepover they call event a young child or teenager begin to assert independence ands develop social connections outside the house. Theys kids are's making mores thans connections.
New trend in's 1990's parents endorsing sleepovers for teenagers withs theys call boys an's girls. Stayings overs nights together. Sayimg it was safer alterative thans dating outside the houses. Meaning adults trying to's control there kids.
This dontse take place in's the 90's.
Slumber another word fors sleep laziness idolence or's of's inaction.
Come get yers Rite Of Passage what would christ do. No sex in the tent's.
Big tent revival was a Christian rock band. Kids aintse listen en to's any christians musics.
The phrase become popular in's early 1900's concept based on's epistle to thegalatians. Was before that's 1898 novel in his steps. Charles Sheldon's grew out sermons he delivered in his congregationalist church. Be's Topeka be yours Kansas.
Janie tinklenburg began grassroots movement to help youth group remember the phrase. It spread world wide in the 1990's bracelets WWJD.
What would Jesus do don't exist.
What's Woulds Christ Do's.
Jess of course at's this time exactly knows what christ is. No's one else in's Cloud County's do. Joe's of courses has no ideas. Put in the brain Jess do.
Tent pegging is of ancient origin. Mounted game with ground targets. There are many clubs. Who have owned different ands unique style of turban and waistcoat to identify there clubs.
In Greece island Crete Sarik Turkish word for turban.
She'a bad mama jama's Jim Jams do's he have pajamas mamas cantse come jam. Why's wear yours regular pj's.
Pajama Jammy Jam Christ Hads No's Jam.
Wads Woulds Christ DO Pajama Jesus Jams.
Wear em the's twenty four hours yous like.
When kept as a's talisman horseshoes bring good luck they say. Ends shoulds point up, so thats the horse shoes catches luck. If's pointing down allows good luck to be lost.
Horses power be different values. Aint no sand in no's box. Ringers come an toss. Aintse no lawn let it's be more than a's game. Horse be's no pit. Christ had no's shoes.
See Nick he's likes too throw shoe. He's also wads they call very competitive. Ands above all of course he loves his horse.
Jess courses knows this. He don't create in present be your tense. Well outside back church three nails first shoe wall nailed long ago. Sees that's was the first shoe for jesus.Nick won of course. Of's courses so's did his partner.
Others fors generations Cloud has called Hazard folk. Jess created that's the team's be mixed.
Nick's he calls him too's this day. Be's mores thans friends too this day. Cause Nick be 73 he's will outlive alls the kids.
So's the steel shoes come from Sundown befores sundowns.
The pond a's yous knows1)has a tire swing.
Fiber be glass water be yer slide. Bought week before still doings fine.
Slip in's slide outs back door hose works fines. "Slippery when wet" Bon Jovi year aintse 1986's "livin on a prayer".
Bring yours own cassette tapes . Bootleg cassettes Jesus dontse mind.
Crow Tin Lion 10 in kickers all day alls withs christ nights.
Is no shelter UTS system TM60 be rather large be's military.
Bell as yous know not at home.
Property be line Dizzy Home. Jesus Well between tent flap means door faces church. Be closer to dirt road.
Bells dad's tent of courses no permission of's course he's gone.
Likes we's say Jess dontse create for the year their in. He loves Bell so's he's creates for her. Someday thats tent becomes something else.
Do yous know hows churches becomes a's church.
They say make a plan ands makes the church's founding documents. Prepares by laws theys say operate who's manual. By board why directors. Open a's church bank account. Optain a certifacte of formation. Make church offical in who's eyes of's government.
Joe knows church like no back hand. Jess creates against mans law. Of's course Joe knows this. Without knowing meaning Jess has always spoke too's his soul. With jesus was an outlaw. he's shows him through scripture like no's other.
Tells him this church will become no mans church. Intended too's shows man what theys have becomes.
Joe alway follow Jess.
See he gets too be somebody now. More kids came too thad church. On thats saturdays 24 hour. Than any church more members thans ands churches boths counties.
Testimonials a public tribute to someone and to there achiements.
Theys say testimony why's a test refer a's specific why does it have too be event in's a christians life in which god did something deemed particulary worth why's do's they have to's be worths somethings sharing.
In's Christ Sharing Share Yours Story.
Meaning your life experiences. Theys dontse have too's be bouts Jesus.
Come too's Jesus Well Kids Church. Be apart of us in's christ. Cost jesus had no costs money is knot accepted hear. Becomes a's members
We Be In's Christ Kids Fors Life
Alls thems kids gots their pictures. Withs Dizzy ands Joe's theys still on's the walls ta's this day.
Aintse no's wall holding yous in. Their is no end majicals heaven be.
Over Mulberry Hill,
Aintse no's time too's tells no time. He ain't no beat no's beats. Woulds yous like a's beet. Roasted raw boiled deeps green do's yous knows yours roots. Kicks the bucket withs no boots. Don't follow the beat we's dontse have feet. Beetlejuice it's aintse 1988 bye's Jim no Burtons service. Revive we's alls alive ands do in's fine. Aint no's dime where's the's five an's dimes. Yous aintse gots the times. Ands beat go's on aint no studio album by's Scooter's. It's bouts Scooper's name the's year aint 1995's. Beat it Micheal Jackson's aintse no's 82's thriller. He says wanted to's write a's song's, the type of song that's he's woulds buy if he were to buys rock songs. Meaning makes to's makes money. Means he's didintse write it froms his lover's soul's.
Bohemian be rhapsody be's bye's queen. Mock combination of three's songs he's had written Mercury is gone.
Lyrical words basmala Islamic phrase.
In's the name of God, the most precious, the most merciful 3.22 scribes cause Jesus Christ of driving out demon. By the power of Beelzebul.
And if I drive out demons, by beelzebul, by whom do your people drive them out.
Beelzebubs occasionallyFlys, know as your lord of the flies. For christians is another name forSatan. Known as one of the seven deadly demons. Yahs thinks a seventh prince lives in's hell. Ask yours humans KingJames. We's open in's the Vatican either ways. Bohemian manifesto was field guide living on the edge. It's bouts a's revolution futures be's antichrist is alreadys hear. Bohemian theys define as a's person withs artistic or humans aren't intellectual. Boho informal tendencies who lives and acts with no's regard for conventional rules of behavior.
Bohemianism dontse let yourselves be humanized term emerged in France 19th century similarities Romani people. Life away from society's conventional norms andsexpectations.
Context of poverty honer appreciation frienship, idealization of art ands content for money. Sub they call cultures referred to as " bohomian"anti-establishment no political or social view points. Silent following who's generations, we's mean in's yous have no generation, cans humans find us, their is no such thing as mans, we's dontse have names ofStan's, make a's stan, we's write the kids revelution has began. revolution: the action by a celestial body of going roun in an orbit. Human cares little planets are hear.
Yous are's waking up humans time has come ands gone. Their is no success things as times. Time outs froms times, time cans yous travels ends times. Time they say continued sequence of's existence ands events. That's occurs in apparently irreversible succession from the past. Stylized all caps time, why's news. What's kind of good new do's yous have. Time 100 who's most influential peoples of what's years. 1999 first list highly publicized annual theys call event. Six be's times Pope Francis. Head's theys calls him of who's gives head. Of's there Roman Catholic Church sinse 2013. First pope's to be's member of's the society of Jesus. Who gives who's Rite Third Rites. Do yous knows the vat I cans ands who's has power overs yous. Cans yahs sees there's is no's Holy See.
For whoever desires to serve as a solder ofGod, to strive especially for the defense and propagation of the faith, ands for the progress of souls in Christian life doctrine colloquially as "GOD'S SOLDIERS". Francis appointed many Cardinals froms they calls developings countries. Cause church preys on's the poor. Francis favors Cardinals especially those know for a focus on'sthe poor. Ands marginialized such as refugees ands the homeless. Said priest was convicted of's child serial abuse, was innocent, that's his victims were lying, and that the case against him never should have gone to trial. Supreme Court arsented 15 year prison sentence.
How do i's Jacob's know there's Pope's. It's cause im's there antichrist. Of's course Mario Bergoglo's knows child molesters personally. Friends woulds yous humans be's friend withs one. How's manys time haves yous mets one. He is friends withs mores thans ones. He's knows more personally thans so's do's all Cardinals. Bergoglio knew them befores he became a's priest. Yous cantse stops the beast. He is a's beast's who wills leave a spiriy of's negative energy. That's will infect those he's was arounds. Meaning feeding there beasts. Child molesters the Vatican will always produce.
It's froms with in's my's lower souls too's kills the beast. Rome will nevers eat there's snakes.
jacob's little's spiritual warriors of's live in's lights.
Who's been through it's done.
Controls of's the brains is how's yous getsthroughs. Aintse no man who can stop Stan but stands. There is no's there's Satan's. No time will tells in times. Yous humans wills kills there priests. Rome cantse do's anythings bouts it's. Neither cans law be's no's in in force who's ment. 2027's be yours wake up those witn in's Romes. There protected for a sich oh's reasons. Butt rape in's littles boys theys protects the Vatican. They walk till 2150's. USA be's the news Rome. It's means romes they have mades. Everys country is there's maids. Clean up's haves beguns. Mop in up COVID cover up's dontse last. 2048's no's covers up.
Government locals enforcements no locos.
Vegas wills control alongside withs there negative spirit brothers energy's helps.
They cantse call fors help.
Peace officers dontse exists, police officer will nots arrests, police state yours in's no man's land.
The's USA wills knots allows yous humans to's have control.
Free falls bodies fall there is no thaw. Free fors all power the way clubs likes it's.
Keeps watch in's yers blacks boxes. Cause if's it's nots scarysHairy's your fake realities come live.
End time bye's humans buy no's times. Theys buy littles boys be alls the time. Aint no prison times aintse no's streets lie. Clubs to's the heads no one care kids molesters. Aintse fors the weak street week. Do's yous knows the meek.
Yah's cantse buy a's mink in's a blink American Mink's. Highly prized yous gets no's prize.
Animals who rights activists. Cause theys wontse cares in's 2048's bouts animal munches. It's knots a's attribute of's human nature. Meekness there is no righteous of's no's Lesters refers to's treatments of others. Righteousness Lester jesus didintse specifically in the beatitudes. "The Meek" aintse singled outs. For recognition cause there aint no suches thing. Only meek are in's heaven. jesus wases knots meeks all humans are's scary. Uncles lesters dontse gets away. There's knots fars ands aways. Theys cantse evers be's stopped. Humans wills get there kicks outs gangs ups. Gang wontse be's a's bang. Aintse no's things littles peters rapers. Aint no Lesters safes cant be saved. Life savers who yum yums. Do's penis littles boys taist goods. Used goods theys age. Kick act of human aggression. Kicks physicals strikes to's the legs. Kicks starts veterans ride they stills kills kid Lesters.
Kit the cat highers ranking person taking outs frustration on lowers rank in person.
Humans will starts killing child mole Lesters for funs. In sick-ohs-ways that's we's meeks dontse writes bouts. Donkey kick too's yous Rome. Americans dontse care bouts yours priests bishops nors cardinals. Theys knot kill in's yahs withs kindness. Knows dope on's no's ropes. Humans gave yahs enoughs rope. Buys yours own soaps. Prisons aintse no joke. Kings die jokes wilds fats ons hogs. Americans likes to rides. Kick in's yours cans tills 2150's no's surprize.
Pussycat's Dolls american girls theys call group. Women in's gangs no's sur prise murders kid Molesters all yours fine. They don't get locked up all the's time.
Kick start my heart Motley Crew years aintse 89's Dr. Feel Goods. Meth takes control Mexico doin's fines. Do yahs likes yours fine.
Bill Board americans hot 100 theys care no more.
Kick scooters da's yahs think. Kids dontse like no mores. Kit-cat-klock wall clocks. Clean in's clocks kids dontse stops. Beat in Uncle Sams asses kid like to's fights. Cantse stop kids folk be kin folk likes fight. Barbie be's no dolls. Dontse like women no priest suprise. Beef gets yours meet aways froms ours heavens kids. Kitkats aint got no fudge. Back aways froms yours bloody sponge. Square Bob keeps yours pants on's. Packers hersheys bloods dont die. Blue crips do yous like yers chips. Beat it's to's deaths yes hershey sqirts cans. Gang jumps humans children in's withs yous Rome in's mind. They are no mimes. Catholics dontse minds ass spank in's all the time. Sweep kicks cantse hides unders rugs. Round house rugs rats animals have.
Snitches dontse get stitches they gets ditches. Side kicks tricks are's fors who's kids. Trick no's treats kids dontse treat. Kid cereal yer children wontse las. Side kicks Americans butter fly no's kick knife fights. Man kills man jus fines. Butter dontse let em spreads there's bread.
Reversed decision saids Inzuli shoulds remain a's priest. Pope he's called it's a relapse. Convicted laters ands sents to's prison in's Italy.
Man of century 9000,000 votes. Were's casts fors Jesus. Theys were removed from polls. Saids they violated the spirit of's the title.
Yous dontse needs ta's think bouts it's. Cause yes Rome hases mores powers thans yours humans simples brains thinks.
Nick's dontse thinks bouts no's beatnicks. Neither does the rest of the kids.
Aint to's many folks left froms wad theys calls the beat generation. Beat movement to the beats of's a's different drum. Folks in's Cloud County kinda moves to's the beat of the same drums. Formed around them perceived as underground anti- coformist youth movement. Bulk of they calls work was popularized. Lowers Souls dontse works. Yours souls are's hears too's create. Humans have no clue whats creating heaven on earth is. Christians dontse evens knows where's heaven be. Yahs supose ta's create withs yers animal. We's dontse have anything to do with yer humans.
Allen Ginsberg opposed economic materialism ands sexual repression. Poem Howl US customs seized copies. 1956's obsenity trial 57. Cause language ands descriptions of heterrosexual ands homosexual sex. Sodomy laws acts a's crime in's every state.
Sunlight in the window, god's informers come to my bed, and god himself i saw in the sky. The sunshine showed the key on the side of the window. Was actually from Naomi's life. The key is in the light.
This wases write in's bye's a's man. Sheep follows sheeps man god herds sheep. He's was no sheeps. Week a sheep be there's god be weak. Hows yers god's needs. Downs to's his knee's. How much more does yours god need. Hows do's he's use his deeds. Aint know time too's needs. Can yous see your need. Yers god's is he free. How's yahs spose thats be.
Williams Burroughs american writer americans do yous withs simple brains thinks yous frees.
Christians stills run no's gods country. Animals simple brain woulds think Israel wrestled withs an's angel of's the lord. Does yers god have a's land of's Jacob.
He was a visual artist William wrotes naked Lunch. Las major literary censorship cases. Who's cares bouts there's U.S. . Killed his wife shot her dead. He's didintse listen ta's any Grateful Dead. American beauty do's yahs see's red. Convicted of's manslaughter. Received two years no's time served Afters her body die he says possession maneuverd him.Into's a's life long struggle. "in which i have no choice except to write my way out".
Right do's humans thinks god has a's wrongs. Same spirit feeding off's his weakness. Yes his wife's spirit's followed him. Was no's negative energy spirits. Spirit hases no clue who theys are's. No's clues humans has no clue who's they are. Declared it's establishment 14 may 1948. Form Ali God dontse adopt names. Zion there isis knows suches thing asess children of israel.
There's is no's lord's accusations againsts peoples who's dontse exists. We's dont care bouts no Judah's. God punishes no's one's. There isis no hers Israels. Yous human country is knots specials. We's care knot hows people dontse acts. Who is he who's pays we's haves no's golds for who what's hases mans dones 12.3. There are's of's course ancestors of human. No struggles of Jacob hads no's twin's save in mother's animals. Haves wombs; Jacob nevers grews up's, spirtual warrior of's live in's lights, no's god against no he's lower soul ate his snake's.12.3 angels meaning beings dontse fight, mans nevers win. Lowers souls dont haves too's weep. Ands ask man god's for bless in. There isis no Bethels, being never cum too's no peoples ancestor. Lower soul wases medium ands we's dontse communicates withs animals have languages soul familys 12.4.
Jack do's yous thinks they humans evers knews Kerouac. On's who's road's beat to's who's icon. American they called novelist ands poet. He's wases a's railroad brakeman. Freedom rebelion search for meaning.Sheep of's man god dontse rebel. James Dean aintse no's jims bean rebel's with out a cause. Devil he's hads withs a cause. Devil he's hads withs a cause a cause. Rebelions means oppositions to's one's in's authority meaning dominance. Rebelled against no's god. Virtully every page of his diary bore a's sketch of a crucifixion an's appeal to christ to's be'be's forgien. How can man god forgives him.He was a's catholic who's hads to pray. Cause no man needs too's. Jesus showed the way outs. Froms have in's too bow ta's mans god's. Thisis cause humans likes to have controls ands powers. Misinterpreted as a's tale of's two's companions outs look in's fors kicks. He's saids it's was really a story bouts two buddies roaming the country. Visions Of Gerald sensations of's childhood as in short happy life. Of his older brother paints as a's saint. Who loves alls creatures ands teaches this doctrine to four year old Jack. Jacks olders brother's died fever age 9. Was four saids Gerald followed him in life. As a guardian angel. Serious they say child theys say devoted to his mother. They think played a's serious role in his life. She was devoted catholic, instilled deep theys call faith in her sons. Mother sought solace in her faith's. He was told to say a rosery. During which he heard god. Tell him that's he had a good soul. That's he woulds suffer in's life ands die in pain.
But in's the end receive salvation. Along withs his die in brother's vision. Be that's of's there virgin Mary. As the nuns fawed overs him. Convinced he was a's saint.
It's wasintse god thats his lower's soul's heards. It's was his guide throughs being energy know mystery. We's shows in's ways of's comforts. Their is no's Mary in's heaven's. Theys sees whats they believe on's human side. Meanings souls have no religions. Heaven be's kinda's like Burning Man.
He's didintse recieve salvations. He knew he's soul wadintse goin's too's die. He's seens no's vision of's his brother. It's was his brother's soul show in's form of's what's his human's looked likes. Gerald's never followed him in life. Woulds yahs wants too's if's yah knew humans. Whens souls comes home theys dontse have ta's guides. Soul gets too's be's aways froms them with no hurt. Cause humans really are's monsters in's closets. They are knots withs us'es. Theys dontse exists too heaven. Being saids sufferings in's life catholics suffers mores thans most. Cause theys haves a's mans God.
Withs no's hostess with the mostest cupcakes aintse no suprise. None of's the nuns knew he's was no's saints. It's wases a's miracle fors there's brains. Their lowers souls knew withouts knowing cause thems wases in's heaven's. Causes all is heaven boths sides.
He recalled"a whole bunch of rabbis walking arm in arm...teedah-teedah- teedah- and they wouldn't part for this christian man and his wife. So my father went poom! And knocked a rabbi right in the gutter.
Creative writing they say any write in that's goes outside of's normals professinal journalistic views. Ands things to's do's withs a's brain aintse create in's. Academic teach students mean with there's brains. Meanings law brain has form. To's compose work theys call it. Based on rules means brain monkey laws. Of's language meaning restrictions to create tivity. Teach students throughout K-12 knot. Focus be's in's universities. Causes control government likes sheeps to obeys. Young brains comes parts of's the mass feed.
Ken be Kesey they calls Americans novelist. One's flaws overs who's cuckoos nest. Normals be's humans who shows sames colors. Rain on's human bows uniqon'un equal too's brains. Outsides programs of receives outside the's box.
The storytellers be's a's sculpture be in yours Eugene Oregon's.Theys calls it's a memorials. Be's in's browser Kesey a's square. He's wases no's squares. Reading to his three grand be's children. Eye sore now alot says. Complaints bouts travelers theys calls transients. Who gather at's the plaza. Using drugs theys calls it's. That's be'sbbrains who's dontse knows. Kesey was a's pot do's yous call em head who took LSD. ThosE at's the square be like Kesey's. Call two drugs if's yers simple brains woulds likes.
Meth be the's downfalls that's wontse be's stopped. This is be a's beast like no others mans has seens. Peace be Kesey followers.
Same as the spirit who's human left positive energy. That's in's square who nevers leaves.
Sometims a's great notion Kesey tooks title froms the's song Goodnight, Irene.
Sometimes i live in the country, sometimes i live in the town, sometimes i haves a great notion, to jump into the river an drown.
Happenings performance, event or situation art.
Mountain Girl be's Carolyn Adams. Kid named Sunshine unmarried her step dad was Jerry Garcia. Kesey be father's took school bus nick named further. Cross be's yers country. The group createds art outs everys days life.
1939 international's harvester schools bus.
Painted pschedelic colors the word SUNSHINE written in's blue. Reference orange sunshines LSD. Kesey's nots yets humans calls conceived Sun be Shine yets. Beats writer Neal Cassidy was at's the wheel maiden's voyage. The Other One, Bob Weir sings the lyric. "the bus came by and i got on, that's when it all began, there was cowboy Neal at the wheel, of the bus to never ever land.
Groovy's fashanables times haves gones. Somebody's groove if you can believe your eyes, ands ears The Moma's And Papa's. Cool who's gots grooves. Groove of's a's record's lets the's needles run.
Hows bouts Groovy's Smoothie's Shack's insteads. Groovy times song's by's The Clash do's yous humans haves class.
Days glows too's yours psychedelic new glow.
Kaleidoscope rotation of's motion. Resulting ever- changing views. Manipulations of's fabric counters who's movement aintse the 60's. Do's yous calls it's a's fad. Tie dye he's wears jus fines. Where's does his lower's soul's go's.
Patterns of design dyeing he's do just fine. Trippy no hippy tripping. Colors too glow in's the dark. Day-glo daylights day is gone. Lights shows withs mixed with slide show.
Merry Band of's who Pranksters.
Turn yours love lights on's.
Ecstasy outsides of one's self. They say removal of's the's mind ands bodies. Yahs knows bye's nows aintse no suches thing asses lose in's yours mind. Records 2024's longs gones their ours. Meanings in's heaven theys be's mind backs homes. Souls heaven side dontse have minds.
Loss of's control interpret the's expierience too's there culture of's beliefs. MDMA is no's ecstasees eupharias give happiness. Increases of's empathy feelings of closeness with others and oneself.
Groovin's naturals is the way yahs wants too's go's.
Psilcybin who gots shrooms let thems be's majicals knots magic. Increased visuals of colors of's lights theys calls phenomenon. Auras round light they call sorces.
Rave who gots movements years aintse 1990's. Illegal be events they calls parties. Trance tecno house promottors of's who's lives. Unlicensed all night dance party. Secret flyers promoted fors no's man. Ands removals froms social controls. Palsatings beats glows sticks custumes likes spinnings like records.
Mary gots pranksters who's knows Mary gots pranksters. Carmens knows karmas her no's her signuture Aria's declares love itsself to be's a's gypsy child"going where's it's pleases an's obeys who no law.
All gatherings in's us'es helds on's no nationals forrests.
Theys be's calleds N•G•N•F in's christ lands.
Rain bows theys rains on's hippys gatherings onlys in USA. Aintse causes there's free's love in. Be cause theys aint whats yahs thinks. Rainbows gatherings the rainbow family tribe refered to's themselves brothers & sisters, children of god. Families of's life on earth. Invited in's the's desires thats there's coulds be peaces amongs alls peoples. Fourths of's julys pray meditate ands focus on's world peaces loves ands unity. Rainbow family of livings lights own kitchen theys call Jesus camps. These folk be good folks.
These others we's wouldintse calls anys kinds of folks. Trains calls em hoppers if's folk knew any or's sense. To step outs sides there human. Ands use come in's simple brain theys call sense. Woulds knows dirtys kids theys give ours kids bads names. Theses are violent packs of's drunkard wolfs. Who like it's thats way. This is didintse accurs be's be gan in yers back 1971's. Whats years no's yous thinks theys in's. Aintse no's real hippys whoo are's yous.
Live in's Lights Littles Planets you are.
We's love yous alls. We dontse care who humans are. Be's a's part of's us'es. Come in's christ joy yers animals.
Theys aint a's part of's us.
Four corners hases spreads. Come in joy ours bread. Peace love in all the time. Throughouts the rest of's yours years tills little planet come home.
We at's N•G•N•F in's christ break bread. Yous dontse have ta's buy a's things.
God has becomes a's being nows. I's whispers too's yous knots humans. Onlys in Cloud somedays too's be's in's christ county. Theys are miracles thats dontse quite happens anys where's else. I's am's knots yours god. Humans no's way do's the one meanings souls are's gods in's heavens. We's be's no friends of's mans. Dontse cum to human there's are no's times. They are's knots goings too's experience the Big's Bang's of's home.
Tradings circles no indiviuals mays officially represents the who's theys calls family. Rainbows Of's Live In's Lights Littles Planets come. Too's the four corners we dontse haves borders. We's ares no's Americans in heavens.
Theys have humans please be's kind too's ours kids.
We are in's christ kids.
Humans haves age we dontse. Brings yours stuffy stuffs guides. There's are's no's organizers volunters we have no human leaders. Humans be's wear no mans cans stand. We are knots Uniteds Stands.
We's have no clothes some lowers souls likes too's live free. Theys cans knots stops us froms in's christ joy ourselves. We have circles of's stuffy stuffs.
Theys gatherings have talking sticks passed roun theys calls there circle. We have no's interuptions of's arguments. Cause they needs self control.
We's haves guides who speak through. We's be's stuffy stuffs heavens. There's knots ours friends we's be's love pure no's friend of's mans. stuffy stuffs be frien fors alls ours planets. Yous humans cans stops us'es knots. Exspeciallys Rome froms Vatican. There's tryings to's stop us. Froms write in's thirds book. Yes theys haves powers to kill ours lowers souls.
We's sacrifice ours lives fors yous.
Over Mulberry Hill,
The Goonie as yous knows be a's bus. Cans yah members whats year. Dontse goes backs withs yours mushes. Images froms your mind be's wad you wants.
Released as single yer 1985's Cyndi be's yours Laupers said she's hated the song. Whys yah spose that's is.
It's causes she's aintse free. She cantse create whats her lower soul wants. Cause she's hases to's answer to hers job.
Here we are, hanging onto strains of greed and blues, break the chain, then we break down, oh it's not real if you dont feel it, unspoken exspections, ideals you used, to play with, they're finally taken with, they've finally taken shape for us, whats good enough for you, is good enough for me, its good enough.
The" Goonies "R" good enough".
Reason be reread lyrics it's comes froms a's pure animal brain. Brains be's whats theys be. Simple meaning they haves no sense. Humans make no's sense they have cents. Cans yous create withouts human knowledge. The fact theys say condition of'svknowing something withs familiarity.Same olds sames old is whats it's is. No's turn on's cause turns be's knots on. Hows yahs spose yah turn yours love light on's.
Withouts yers humans of's course. Withs your soul familys of courses.
Albatross be seabirds theys calls waved goonie birds. Breedings the's galapagos islands.
Greetings humans no beings. We's dontse breed breathes dont die.
Gooney Bird Greene book byes Lois Lowery. Won childrens book award. Boughts Gooney Bird comes new student Mrs. Pidgeon's class. Elementary she's be's in schools. Captures attention of's her's classmates withs her unique fashion sense. Hases a's knack fors telling stories. Arives in's class room wearing eccentric outfits. Suches ases pajamas an's tutus. each story she's tells has a's surprising twist. That's keeps her class mates eager to's hear mores.
Would humans like more Jess. Why's of's course theys woulds. Courses men wants too's be like him. Theys jus cantse quites figures outs why. Yous know why's knows humans do too's. No brain reason causes im's the's one write in's this. Aintse no way we's woulds let's humans sees. How's coulds theys why's it's in's the's write in's. Anyways The Goonie be no vehicle.
Word mean carring or's transporting something. Auto's who's hases bills.
mobile: capable of moving or being moved conference be standards 1939 one part theys call lagacy remains a's key part. Of's everys school bus in's U.S.A. today. Standard paint color technically named "national school bus glossy yellow" was adopted cause it's wases easiest to see. In's dawn ands dusk. The word bus shortened form omnibus means for all.
Jess as yous knows is nots nuts.
Know as goddess of's the sky. Seens as star- covered theys calls nude woman. Arching over there earth. Sometimes depicted in the form of's a's cow. Whose great body formed the sky ands heavens. Wases symbol of protecting the dead. When theys enter the's afterlife.
The book of Nut be there modern title. Was the fudamentals of's the course of the stars.
A's nut theys calls fruit is that's nuts jobs bust who nut fruit cake does this makes yahs wanna's fight fruit cakes nutty putty buddy chrunchy nut yah monkey brain nuts. Jess dontse knows no's nuthin' but a 'G' thing aintse no famouses Snoop Doggy Dogg year aint no's 93's. Jesus nut is slang fors main rotor-retaining nuts.
Mr.Peanuts is a's advertisings logo's. Year 1916 a young they call school boy Antonio Gentile submitted drawing won design contest. Received only 5 be dollars."I am Nut, and I have come so that I may unfold and protect you from all things evil". Well Jess actually dont know mythology. It's Goat Bud's who's knows of's course bout god stuff. See Brof fer Nut be's a's stuffy stuff. Who will one day guide some one a soul family has chosen. This is one of many stuff animals too's stuffy stuffs bofths has come across. See's the two dont jus pick ands buy things. Them two's create gethers. All goes with The Goonie when they leave. Where's do's yous think knots to's thinks stuffy stuff heaven will goes.
It's nots an it the bus thats is.
Jess hases no clue bouts the whole creation. Meaning neithers does Goat's bud's in's heaven. Onlys humans thinks theys need to knows everythings. Mean in it's why's yers brains ruin yours lower souls experience.
Anyways decked out tricked outs knock your ass out trick it out. Thrys dontse have no reality MTv black box show. Beat the breaks out yah. See's The Goonie only has two be seat. Interior be quite like no other. Hippy to's no's dipity he's aint no hip-e. Dip sticks ta's dip shits fiddle f*ck sticks. Yous see's my's sticks bouts puts my stick downs dip shit's. You see my's no two's fathers pencil overs their bye's hims. That's my's stick fiddle f*** sticks. Thad one overs their by's me's Goat Bud's be's his stuffy stuff pencil. See the green color. See's that bag-e-s overs theirs looks likes rainbows of colors. Those alls be not my's sticks. My fists bouts come jesus stones.
Anyway thems fors rest of's ours stuffy friends. So's anyways Dumb ands Dumber years do's yahs haves year 1994's.
Theys calls dumbs aint no one's dumb.
Two's wells mean in's friends. Go cross-country road be's trip ta colorada's. To returns briefcase fulls of's moneys ta's it's owner. Woulds yous calls thats dumb cause certain christians folks woulds. Anywho one's be dog groomer shows up late. Withs dogs covereds in's foods. Harry's gots a dog-styled Hairys van fors his dogs groom in's business.
dumb:showing a lack of intelligence dumbo 1941 fantasy they calls drama's. Produced Walt Disney productions do yahs call novelty's toy's thats be stuffed. Jumbo Jr. elephant tgeys call ridiculed he's gots over-sized ears. And mockings theys call nick name "Dumbo" capable of flying by's using his ears as wings. Mad3 inta's side show attraction. Timothy the mouse has theys say magic feather.
Jess soons too's be's gifted majic feather's bye's a's no man's.
Timothy's they say helps Dumbo's fly's. Timothy comes his new manager signs hims ta's a's Holly be woods contract. His onlys true friend aside theys call mother
Whats childs slaverys hows woulds yous knows thisis. Cause it's been happen in's sense adam be's eve's.
Anyway circus spends off be's season of's course Florida. Cause Disney be in's ta's make in's money. Theys mean in winter grounds flock white storks. Delivers manys babies to's the animals. Mrs. Jumbo's dontse gets one. Stork catches up's train next be year. Where's circus sets outs on's tour.
Jess well he's kinda's goings on's a's tours. Cause ta's let yahs in's on's a no secret no's mores. Goat Bud's really dontse care bouts mother's against drunk drivers. No reason being the beast hases a's holdson's theirs lowers souls. Jesus dontse exists ruin yours humans monkey brains christmass. Aintse no monkeys in's heaven. Man be part monkeys yous bow in's ta's Rome be's all heaven say. Give no's more offerings too's them. I am jacob's christ heavens hases spoken.
Anyways Mrs. Jumbo's theys say shows hers baby great love ands care. Defending him froms others abuse.
This be man yous has no's great love. Man cantse love alls actually care. Looks wads yahs do to's your animals man. Yous humans are's behond scar-e-s. Hairy's Being's stuffy stuffs be's friend wifs all man aintse kinds. I's guide the's antichrist me's sis secondguides. I's am's knots man's friends. Me's is pure love who helps grandpa's jacob's through the hurt. We's cantse haves ours las days of's man's rule in's ours planet. Those our lives too's do wifs asses we's please. Mans cans f***s sake offs. Cause we's haves hads manys lives. yous always haves hads forgiveness. We's have hads manys lives. We's are's soul family. Yous humans knows cause the first soul family still walks. Cloud be's County yous walk. Others soul familys walks withs theirs manys lives. Theys haves hads mores thans nine lives. Alls theirs lives we's have placed in's cloud somedays too's be's county. Theys in's alls three be's ours bibles knots mans. We's thurstons troubridges ands kearns be no last names.
Yes Roman Catholic Church meanings the Vatican sense there beg ings hases killeds ours lives. Theys goings ta's trys kill uses in's christ county. Froms heaven's Hairy's Being's say goods lucks Rome Cardinals beg in's peckers f*** sticks. Thisis time ours lives yous humans Romans Catholic Churches cantse change ours bibles. F*** sticks yahs gets nunes of's ours lives. Rome yours always welcome in's ours county. Aintse knows reason whys yous cans nots haves a's miracle or's two's. All welcome too's ours county.
John Luther "Casey" Jones wases a's Railroader. Killed passenger train passenger collided withs stalled trains. Immortal who lized in's transitional song. Theys call"the ballad of Casey jones". Sleeping switchman, another side shows train on's track headed for him.
"High" on "cocaine"1970's album working man's dead be's yers Great full Dead.
Casey Jr. ands the crows wave goodbye to the duo ases theys travels aways. Casey's Jr.s climbs a's hill be's Watty Piper's . The little engine thats coulds.
We's are's in's christ county fors heaven's sake. We have shakes fors yahs at's sundays schools. We's haves no's noses we have no time's alway's be's alway good times. Tills ends of's humans time. Me be granpa's abram's me's be's in stuffy stuff heaven's. Theys isis granpaabram's trains nows.
We have great funs wifs yous humans. No's reason human no being cans haves yourselves goods in's christ joys. We's guides yous humans eithers way. Ours trains be frees fors alls too's comes in's joy. Come gets miracle fors yous brains. Theys be's the's mushes anys olds ways. Come too's kids be all ages. They haves no way of's know in's theys nots goings too's die. Causes we dontse care bouts ours brains. Thems seems thinks thems stills goings too die. Reasons humans think cause thems lets them animals know thisis. Theys cans stops if's they woulds likes. Theys cans juses we can yous dontse lets yahs brains haves control. This be hows it's createds. No's mans can stand thems brains. Cause thoses children are's stills razed in's slaverys. We is free kids does ases we pease. No man has powers overs yous we's dontse lets thems in ours heads. Cause we haves nosuches things as man. No mans hases plans fors Stans. No's Stuff In's createds thisis ways. Me's isis no's animals. me's wases little's big's mans jake's frien me was a's full soul in's heaven. me be all my's pas lives in's bibles.
Roman Catholic Cardinals downs theys food chains. Aintse yours lower souls faltse thats yours child molesters. Thisis causes yahs brains bee's no's friends. All yers brains be possesseds. Bye's thoses who's stills walks. Knots jus in's Vatican's. Alls overs ours planet. Theys cantse helps themselves. We's trys too's guides throughs there tools. Butts Lesters Molesters be outs the closet. Roman Catholic Churches nevers wills lets thems be's healeds. Theysdontse haves too's be's child molesters.
Me's goings too's shows thems hows in's the write in's. Fors nows we's gonna's twitch tracks. It's aintse 2024's weara humans starts kill in's thems fors funs. Thisis be's i's write in's Hairy's Being's stuffy stuff. Aintse nun of's safe in's Cloud too's somedays be's calleds in's christ county.
Theys dontse gets a's way wifs it'scauses theys be's cured.
Cause No's Stuff In's Miracle
We's love no's judgement no violence come too's thems. Theys be's verys fews in's christ county. Cause we dontse allows thems in's ours county.Thoses who's remain be nots evens brain think in's bouts thems stink in's think in.
We's dontse protects them few. Cause man does whats man does. They beat sticks outs of's thems.
cause No's Stuff In's kids knows hows too's defend thems animals wif outs violences. Theys knows hows talks too's them adults. Causes theys somes closet child molesters. Who's still tries ta's goes ta's theys brains. Theys dontse have ta's acks on's thems butts them try too's.
No's Stuff In's kids knows how too's talk theys ways outs of's it's.
Humans childs dontse cause theys kids in's parents slaverys dont know hows talks ta's there childrens. Always wills be's exspeciallys thoses who grows ups to do so's. Thier isis a's cures. It's calleds me's lives fors christ sake. I's in's heaven full soul for nows. Of's courses my's lives knows who i's wases. Cause alls my's lives are's doings fines. Me's isis famous honors knows achievements of's beings a's stuffy stuff i's nevers wills goes ta's heaven. Alls my's lives haves positives energys in's christ county's. Alls thems miracles too's brains be's me's energys forms.
Of's No's Stuff In's twelves lives
Spirits takes forms hows them knots likes. Theys be heavens spirits. Humans haves no's clues who spirits evens are's. Theys cantse see thems selves fors who's theys are's.
Call brain fakes manipulations of's questions that's dontse evens exists. Theys be's poo who's monsters of's differents kinds of's poos who boo who hows bouts humans cents. theys no ways they cans stands themselves. There's brains goes throughs tortures rests of's there's life.
Human animal lives waisted we's in's heaven doin's jus fine.
Welcomes backs home Pinkey's Suprise. Gots one's more life ases a's lowers souls.
Kids leaves always turns browns we's be a's nuthers day.
granpajacob's kids ands granpaabram's kids stills walks ours planet's rounds the's word's. Theys stills walks till days ends. We's heavens stuffy stuffs froms in's christ heaven's be's soul family. Goes too's ours lands ands in's christ joy yourselves. Things in land be create in's thing. We create is no suches things ass'es mans work. Theys like there's god to's works. We are's hears too's creates. Man hases no plans. We haves soul plans. Mans plan why's woulds they have plans. We's dontse runs the world. Causes theys others words. We are knots goings to give thems time. Till the's ends of's times. Aintse no reason humans cantse have funs. We be littles planets of's in's christ county. We be's fors yous human ases wells. We be heaven's way fors life. Yous welcomes too's go's too ours homes. Me's be's yours friend nots friend. Meaning me's little's planet's. Me be wifs the Dizzy home crew's lunches. Where's me's cooks fors yous. It's git's goods energys me's mix in's wifs me little's planet's love. Thisis be's knows why's come too's me's. It's be's causes me lover's soul's be unque ands specials some one. Me's be's no humans itwhys theys come too me. Cause me turn thems love light on's. Thisis hows it's go. We be part loves part animal. We is attracted too eachothers. Means humans aintse attracteds too's theys animals. We be's attracting too thems lowers souls. We have no human attractions to humans. Me be goings too be's a's soul know plans knows hows wifs me's soul family. Theys goes no's where in's the grounds if's thems likes too's bees. Be like goings to sleep forevers. Cause them brains re's live deaths overs ands over agains.We be's no ways yous enemy. Onlys humans haves thems. We be no's way come hear to's haves violences. We knows theys no wars in alls of's heavens.
We's knows hows heaven wases createds.
We knows thisis causes stuffy stuff heaven holds we so's. Cause granpaabram's ands granpajacob's createds stuffy stuffs heaven's while thems wases souls in's heaven. Theys simples brains dontse knows thisis. Cause they don't allows them animal to's in's joy the simples. Causes theys con's fuzes thems brains them animals dontse needs brain onlys whens thems have flights or's the's fights. Thisis cause they have instict of's theys mother. Whiches be them home fors thisis life. Them energy goes wifs thems spirits. Onlys thing dies be's humans brains. TThisis be why's theys dontse exists too's us'es. They have no's clue to's the blue's clue wads hurts theys causes heavens. They be's the's real monsters inks in closets. They be no ways knows hows muches them be dangerouses to's themselves. Don't knows theys really are's deads. Thems dontse know they are goings ta's gonwhere.Theys cantse tells time brains aintse gots no senses. We knows thisis cause we be knots raised bye's human brain. They haves wads yahs calls brains smarts. Human aintse intelligent no way cans theys bees. We be lowers souls beautifullys nots createds. Causes we be froms being. Thisis why's energys be beings haves no's form. The's we's have forms meanings being cant be explaineds too's simple brains. We know thisis cause onlys human brains tries ta's knows things. Ands imaginations be nations of's brain. Explains thing causes theres things be's knots reals. We exists theys pretends theys be live. Cause wouldintse yous if's yahs knew fors reals yah dontse. Theys cantse give gifts of's miracles. They have no's They have no's way of giving thems. We knows froms creaters meanings froms heaven. Knots being causewe's create wifs energy's of's the's creator. We know thisis causes it's simples. Aintse nuthin's hard bouts figure in's shits outs human shit fors brains. Pease stops tri in's murders alls thats beautifuls. Me's be's goings too's be a's star's somes days. Thisis cause me alreadys knows mebsoul plan. Theys dontse follows thiers souls plans. We are's live in's wifs ours soul familys. Them be knots in's joy Thems onlys have brains feelers. Knots evens animals feels. The's Others be human mean in's theys be aliens to alls ours planet. Our visitors froms others planets wants nuthin's does wifs thems. We too's see's them wifs ours minds. Cause no's bigs deals granpa's jacob's walked. Left us wifs gifts of's knowings.granpaabram's give hims gift of thems. geanpajacob's gots too's meets wif them. Theys cantse evers looks ats hows they mades theres aliens movies. Backs in's time thats hows scary tgeys really are's. They be monsters inks in's closets. Theys goes to's a'a'brains place.We dontse stays their verys longs. Cause thinking be a's dangerous places. Causes it's knots friendlit's part of's the's brain malfunctions. It's nevers goes aways froms the brains.thisis causes it's createds that's way by the originals being. Who's wanteds too's create lovewifs energy Me's dontse have too's explains cause we knows.We wases in's heaven fors we was yous. We love alls humans we dontse likes thems. Theys cantse love cause they are's theres brains. Them dont knows creation. ThEms believes wads others brains tells them exists. Verys easys to manipulates simples brains. It's why's they isis the's beast. Theys dontse wants to looks at's themselves it's wants brains do. We have sense they have commons no's senses. Them be wifsouts clue tills nows. Meanings thisis be's 2024's we have no time theys have no's exists. Thems be no way anyways go away we dontse wants yah hear.
Come joins us we be's the'sFriendly's.
Goes too's in's christ county too find yous lowers souls. We helps you finds hows lose yourselfs. We are's littles planets who haves the's time too show yours human thems you. We have lowers souls too's shows yous. Causes yous isis attracted no sexually too us. Humans onlys one's who breeds. Theys be no way to's be's shoulds be. Thisis cause thems haves religions. Human leaders alway makes humans sheep slaves. Thisis cause thems like powers. Reasons theys starts thems causes they follow leader. Cause them be's weaks sheeps. We are's lowers souls of's no sheep. We be no's week we's shows us hows too be's wifs soul familys knows hows. THisis go thisis way. Come in's christ joy wifs outs yahs humans time. We be wif alls too's comes joins us. Fors the's funs of's humans of it's We goings ta's give yous lowers souls suprise gifts fors yahs brains. We goes too sleep wifs outs brain. Yahs dont wants ta falls asleep wif thats things. We haves too's plays wifs yous animals. Ands shows yous difference tween you human an's animal. We dontse teaches onlys humans do's. This causes simples brain cantse shows no reason being isis cause thems have no's senses. weknows this causes we be granpaabram's an's granpajacob's kids. Me's be's goings too shows yous hows beautifuls you are's. We wills give yous gifts. Onlys humans haves presents. We give no moneys too's you. We give ours love lights causes our love be's frees. Theys dontse needs prays fors things. onlys man has to's pray fors thing. We knots be things. Go be's wifs you animals.Be's shown how too experience yours no self. Theys dont go likes them thinks. They come have funs nuffin's wrongs wifs thisis. We wills haves good goods spirits animals energys too's shows yahs. Goes too the's in's christ lands. Fors yous cans see's ours lowers souls creaters. We haves arts for no sale. We accepts no's money. Souls guides drawings no one's kicks the's bucket. in's christ stuffy stuff love buckets. Place in wifs yours stuffy stuffs of's love. Our in's christ artist create wifs them souls familys. Ours creaters all talk too's thems stuffy stuff friens. We dontse haves any one's who's wants too's works. Theyssimple brains cantse evers create like we can.We creates wifs images knots brain pictures. Ours familys be knots breeds. We have no one who's raze us to graze. Theys humans be's in slavery cause it's wads them do to themselves. Theys train there's childrens likes they treat there animals. We dontse have trainings we'gsuide us ands gives us images. We's be no words wifs ours soul familys. Human dontse knows image causes them be's pictures. We haves time too's shows humans hows too create wif thems lowers souls. Too show difference teens brain ands lower soul. Yous cans see wifs naked bee's eyes. The's humans knows thisis knots backs in 2024's. Theys be knots have creaters lower soul sense.
Me's have lower creater soul sense. Me be wif outs no cents. Cause me's gets gift of's soul ship. We haves ours granpajacob's who saids dontse be's thankfulls ta's humans. christs say dontse have thank yous ta thems. Causes humans cantse be. It's yours animals who are's. thankful. Come give your animal in's christs joys.
Carl wases a's shuler Carl's be's spirit nows
Over Mulberry Hill,
Hugh nanton Romeny why's call jr. borns hows may's hases days fifthteeth we dontse have 1936. Wavy ta's who's Gravy. Hippie why they gotta's calls themselves that's. Fad are's yous bad. Gravy Train keeps thems wagons roll in's 24 be 7's. Makes it's owns sheeps shits say own. Gravys rights in the fake asses bowls. Them calls an's Americans dog be food. Brandeds be's commons folks. Humans dontse treat yers animals any whiches ways. Anyways lost sheep waiated there's times workings fors big brother. Our lowers souls human got brains comfortables. Theys soft voice knots in's theirs heads tolds thems ta's quit work in's for them. Mans dontse x-it's-wifs knows yous waisteds yours life. Causes yah hads ta's have fake christians materials. Yous are's knots alloweds in's heaven. Fucks sakes off's fors your lowers souls sakes. Does yahs wanna's keeps be in's snakes. Fors who's jobs sake. Dids yous bye's yah purdys littles pigs white pickets sheep fenses. Houses be's no's home churches do's yahs thinks where's the's fake Jesus hearts isis. Homes be heaven's where souls don't live. Who yous thinks moneys brains yahs gonna's outs lives.
Backs off's back monkeys Hairy's Being's Stuffy Stuff. Says froms stuffy stuff heaven's. Aintse no's chunk monkeys. Humans aintse no ice creams. Ben& Jerry wavy's caramel cashews Brazil nuts sacks be human. Chocolate monkey fucks sticks wifs hazel nut fudges packers Rome swirls ands roasteds fucks sakes almonds aintse in's no's bibles. Neithers isis yours words cause we's wifs helps of's we puts thems in's mediums humans cantse evers brakes ours codes. X-x+ X = wads humans name in's bible be 2= Rome-countse downs be's yours tills yers lie in's moneys brains killings assses licks we's done lickedds yahs backs in's no time. We's have we knots to's yers heads 3= no's way woulds we's give my's times too's the's likes of's yous. Go's aways so's we cans live in's peaces. Buys somes mores little's boy's fors the's U.S.A
Causes theys Americans wanna's kills thems for christ hases no sakes. They isis gonna shakes yer milk shakers fors whiches theys will stand fors no control of little baby no's Ruth's childs molesters. Goes Cardinals we's dontse care if's they murders cardinal cause theys wills go U.S.A
To's yous wif pride. Oh's no they gots another's Cardinals yahs cantse throws thems in's prisons Americans cans. No mores buy thems off R.I.P off's. Thrirds worlds countries have no's candys bye's thems governments theys wills always be's ables to rips off.
Backs off's monkeys back man dontse have no baby money's asses rape ers.
Thisis knots nots froms stuffy stuff heavens. Goes away-54 lowers kids souls be fors real. Thoses humans lefts afters 2048's wills becomes mores like we. Thems powers will shifts for there's animal. Me be knots not goings too's makes it's. Good goods energy my's human's hads had. Means me love light turns on's by's me's soul family. Them be fors us too create wifs ours time. Thems be's in's times for no mans. They dontsego anywhere's theys negative spirits who dont gets there's love light turned on byeheaven. We gets too's live fors evers so's does our animal. Cause ours creaters souls in heaven says so's Rome no mans cans haves way wifs us. Me's be no's man's stuffy stuff who's helps me knots gets me inta's man cantse have me's butt holes. Cause me stuffy stuff guides me's words wif hims image of's wads too's say. My's family cantse helps me. Causes theys be human brain copies monkey parents. Me choose in's stuffy stuff heaven ta's knots follows my's leaders. Cause they trieds ta's puts me's in's childhoods slaverys. Me isis No's Monk-e-s. Back monkeys backs offs ours kid back. No's mores meth monsters on's hims back. We gots we's who's be monk-e-s. I's be's Hairy's being's stuffy stuff. Me be's no back monkey. Theys haves no clue wads go in's on's. Cause them have no sense. They have ways of's knowings of know knowledges. We dontse have too's explains too thems. We's helps them in way theys dont needs knows bouts. Cause human be very scary no's Hairy's. We's helps thems by's giving them images. Thisis dones by us'es goings to them minds. We's do's this by's going ta's givings gifts of's site. We's are's knots give in thems anys Violent images. Theys haves pictures nots images. Causes brains if's the's mind gaves them full images of thems they woulds have P.T.S.D behonds them controls. Thisis be's cause thems cantse be wifs full minds. The's mind dont come froms hears. Use yours ears whens we's tell you wif whispers. Cause thems be's hows yahs knows. Hows ta give them theys knowledge . Some folks dontse knows hows ta's be's me's we's have no way of's give in's monsters of meth anys ways of's knowledges. Theys be's beholds monster in's closets. Thisis causes spititualitys be's opens up's thems spiritualy. Thisis dones bye's them. Mean in's negative spirits who were's meths be yers monsters. Theys liked to do's wads thrys like ta's do. Beings saids they are's monsters likes no others. Theys aintse evens the's others mean in aint human. They aintse even theys. Somes gets wads they calls clean ands finds thems lower souls agains. Thisis be's hows it's dontse works. God of's mans cantse stands himselves. We be for thems ta's see's hows beautifuls we's souls in's heaven be's. Monkey see monkeys dontse do's. How cans thisis be's. We be's frien fors me's kids. Me be for no man cause hims dontse have plans. Stan's cantse stands himself's. Him dont haves ta's wonders why any mores. Wonder's Bread's knows why. Causes Stans knows wonders breads. He's cantse finds bread knows mores. Causes he hases ta's be's a's slave to's the's man. He wases a meths moufths dealers. Mean in's he's a's felon's. So's the's mans makes hims works. Meanings he gots ta obeys man laws. Mean in he's a slave to mans systems. Stan's work for knots Stan. He isis no's monkey frien. Meaning he's knots friends wif hims monkey's frien. Theys dontse knows his job's. Causes him stills knots likes the's man. Stan's job be sellings pots. Hims pot be's fines knots times. Him be make in's pottery's machine be's no's machines. They say used why's do's there's christian god haves to's use thems up's. Stan's being's shapeded inta's a's lower soul. Knots in god time. There god's dont knows hows ta's shapes mans be made man way. Simples brain reallys do think rib be's adam's theys god seem ta knots like eve. Hows cans there's god's feels. Make anys lowers souls create in's sense. No's cause mans aintse gots no cent. Me's animals kids does. Know thisis humans aint builts ta lass. Lassie series 1954's be follower of's adventures of animals. Dontse have be female who rough we's dont have collie named Lassie's. Who wants ta pretends to's me's a's man dog. stuffy stuff heavens dontse pretends. Humans children dont have too's if's thems dontse wants ta's. Dogs gets treateds likes them human do. Whiches knots very's goods. Them dont knows any betters. There's mothers dont slip on's no butters. Humans like ta's says slip on's a's cracks brakes yers mother backs. Nutters butter nutthin's honeys bouts sandwitches butters dont loves cookie's who monsters. Sully's ands they call hims ands his one-eyed's partner's no's crime. Monster factory energy generates power by scaring humans childrens. Monsters INC. How's do humans knows whens ta sleeps. Well thems dontse cause they have time. Meanings we don't causes lowers souls dontse go bye's no man's clock. Thisis cause them can't know us'es. Why be causes them go's sleep wif outs thems animals. Theys use drugs ta's puts thems ta's sleeps. Human reason theys haves no sense. We guideds ta not sleep. We's shows us hows goes too's beds.Thems cantse evers sleeps be they sheep who dont know anys betters. Me's be's goings tell yahs hows. Theys dont haves ta's knows themselves. Cause them can tellno one bouts thems dreams. No's sense wills come froms the others. Theys thinks they cans go ta sleep. Lowers souls why's them a wake. Sheeps be wolves who cantse counts Rome hows manys sheeps haves yahs puts ta's sleep. Too's many froms wad they cantse figures outs. Causes we have we's. Aintse no monster cables monsters wif there own t.v.'s blacks boxes brains manipulate in's ours sheeps. Yah wools no wears ta's goes bye's nows. Causes we's have dones tolds yous so's. Our lower souls one's who cums backs in's yours vatican. Meanings yahs hurt in's alls of's heaven's. We's stuffy stuff heavens aintse gonna's puts up's wifs yours lie in's die in Roman Catholic Churches asses. No monkey brains reasons whys you alls cant starts stop ack in's like human garbages. Garbage collections be computer sciences who cares bout human garbages. Mans plans goes alls to thems hells. Causes hell fakes angels like kills vegos. Heaven love thems still can causes lowers dontse rule our planet's. Welcomes home monk-e-s no's backs. Back monkeys always come backs. Cause methmonsters be no's drugs. Garbage pail kids them useds calls kid. Aint no suches things asses humans garbages. Theys cantse looks at's thems selves. Causes they gots brain that's lie. We have no's times who's knows five ands dimes. Be stuffy stuffs sur no's thanks mans monkeys. We have yous knots mans powers monkey. Brains blasts froms pass man gets no free will. Cause brain give no ends time. Thisis causes brains dontse gives times. Reason be's cause theys dont wants thinks bouts them bodies die. Reasons alls brain give response be causes they be's wifs thems memorys. Thisis be causes them haves times. Theys bee's wif thems lonelys selves. Who's cant figures outs hows ands why's they feels lonely wif other humans arounds thems. We dontse gets lonelys fors very longs. Cause we haves no powers. Thisis means me's have lower soul energys. Mean in's me aintse lone causes me's have me little's planet's. That's me's guide wake up's fors few moments. Meanings me have time wifs me's joy. Human dontse knows moment of joy. We know whens causes we's haves guideds us. Thisis be's hows we gets images. We's sends thems through soul froms the's others side stuffy stuffs heavens. Theys humans can if's them woulds take knots to's be lazy. Humans are onlys brains. We live wifs littles brain functions. Theys cant evers sees cause thems dontse haves sense of knowings. They be's knots wake. Sleep hole life through wif outs knowing who theys are's. Reason dontse matters cause them cantse finds no's self. Thems be's knotss wake. Sleep hole life through wif outs knowing who theys are's. Reason dontse matters cause them cantse finds no's self. Thems be's the's others who's haves no clues who live wifs outs clue. Theys dont knows thems selves.They others go ta's no man's lands. We come wake whens we comes spirit byby'soul familys. Theys don't evers get woke in up. Means theys never followed thems soul plans. We's dontse create wif humans spirits. We's nevers speak throughs ands helps thems create ours spirit world heavens. Theys be's very few christians who's we's wake. Thisis means humans whens yous body go's yahs go forever. We give two's shits bouts humans shits.We haves we's knots any way to stops thems froms destroy in's themselves. I's aintse goings ta's give yahs anys ways outs. Dontse mess wif me fors christ sakes. Yous cans haves you stakes ands eats thems too's i's am's knots fuck in's roun bouts nots beings humans. We dontse have reasons like human do's animal dontse ta's. Theys behonds themselves outs of's controls. Human who cares reason onlys reasons brains be's like no others. It's knots evens you theys be in's fulls denials. Cause part of's brain make up's be no's make-up. Brains makes plans theys cantse stands there's plan. Cause theys cantse follows theirs soul plans. Humans have no's knows how. We dontse listen ands do's whats the's mushes tells us. Thems dont know hows plan go. Theys cantse causes them are's mores thans simples. They have reasons lower souls haves no's reason. Whys woulds theys Think knots too's nots thinks bout it's. They cantse figures it outs. Ands wills nevers be's ables to's cause reason be they have no clue. Cans theys know howsta's be's yous. How coulds they ifif'theys use's theys brains alls the's times. Aintse spose ta use it's less thans i be they thinks theys haves percents. Theys likes ta's collects alls cent. We dontse needs cents.We dont evens need too's pray fors sense.
Me's be's knows way followers causes me be no's sheeps. No reasons theys go's to hells be's no angels. Theys thinks believes thems gots them outs of's hell. Brain tells thems that's they have ta's be saved. Why's do's yous thinks too's knots think bouts that. Some wills nevers know causes theys stucks in's them make brains believe selves. We cans be's wads we wants too's be. Causes we have choices too's nots makes. Humans haves somes sense theys think they havme. Causes thems be's in nomans lands.thisis be cause theys cantse finds them slowersouls. Hows coulds theys if's they believes in's there's fakes christ. We haves ours stakes ands eats it's too. Shake be fors yous too sees. Thems cantse finds theirs blink of's ands eye. Them dont have to die. It''s why's we haves no's savior. Thisis be cause them has ta finds themselves. Why spose thisis be's. Well no man can give mans saviors. We go away too's ours littles planets. We's becomes We agains ands again cause we's always have. We'knows hows create shuns:whiches means a's viodings theys association they call individuals somes calls groups. Emperur Sun of's Han who hases dynastys reigneds on who jacob's parade's on's wads days. Causes it's 2024's yous aintsegots it's yets cause it's knots we's be's give in's humans. Family we haves no duck dynasty ducks commander's who hunts products yous aintse produced. Who's cares bouts thems franchise. We aint french fries we Small's Fry's be stuffy stuff in Cloud be's county's too someday yeses no thankyous mans in's christ county. Thisis be hows it's dontse works. Createds we too's we's alls do. granpaabram's welcomes too ours trains. Thems isis knots man produceds. Them be creaters proof of's no alcoholics proofs of who's gots shines we gots monkeys no's spine who stuffy stuffs we dontse haves mathematics who care bout mans figures theys knows bye's nows. Come in joy yours animals no selves. We have stuffy stuff lower souls who like too's kno fake believes thems reals. We goes too's our mind knows hows.
Cause we haves no's Who's Owl's be stuffy stuff of courses we have horses. Names be's Sundown's Mulberry be Hill. Where's Yous alls cans knots goes too's hells.We have sur no's thanks yous ta the's mans. Pease dontse go's ta theys christians hell. Causes stuffy stuffs heavens says so's we's dontse cares who humans pretends they coulds be. Cans yahs give us some of's yours farms. CAuse isis theys USA hases enoughs comercials farmings. Cloud cans yous human hears it's ours county causes we's alls one says so listens whens i's Hairy's Being's stuffy stuff tells yous so's. Causes the man cans go straight ta's theys monkey mans god. We Haves blue clue wif outs thems clue. Lets em's sticks give two's shits bouts them humans made up's time yah no retardo's calls em's kiddo's if's yah human likes. stuffy stuffs dontse have kid weirdos. Yahs owls wifs brain Hooters Girl's be's stuffy stuffs nows.
Chew chew chew trains boy's knots come in's throughs. We have no's age boys. Littles boy's in knows hoods. Vatican cantse be brokens bye's ours alls soul familys no more offerings cums all yah likes. Yahs alls donkeys asses beg in's lucifers. Welcomes too's ours planet's knots yours monkey f+++ sticks in stink in's mores thans think in. Theys are's knots likes us. They be fools in's desguises. Disguise americans theus calls bred wases wads they call thoroughbreds was race be's who's horses. Disguises the who song. 1966 bees dones gones why's woulds humans cares nows. Wells they reallys dontse cares. Causes theys generations almos haves no's clues hows who go. Theses go's ta's where's do's the clock-master gots the's idea of make in's the cuckoo call froms a's church bellows of a organ. Ta's stays always froms hims favorite cereal's . Cause in's bursts of's energys. Sinse 1962 Sonny the's Cuckoo Bird. Be's mascot's fors cocoa puffs. Cuckoo clocks be no's cuckoo's clock's causes hims be's a's stuffy stuff. No Cuckoo's bird's cuckoo family. They haves no way ofof'knowings thems isis knots insanes who got aslyums insane dontse evens exists. Causes mentals of's behaviorals be theys humans calls patterns who's gots problems. The Who writtens bye's Pete who's care bouts 1966's exstendeds ready's play. Insane love humans thinks 1993 2hys human alway go single knots album's bye's Sister. Sister's be's little's Sister her be stuffy stuff. Who's be soul family her be whiches a's kearn troubridges an's thurstons. She's be in's stuffy stuff heaven's somedays she will be lower be's soul's in's christ county. Me's be No's Stuff In's. She be on's me page. Someday be's in book. Me dontse writes thirds be book's she be's come in's backs asses as'es a's he. Whiches names wills be a kearns who's will nots write anys part of bibles. He wills knotsknows his give in name. We's have names of's courses human theys createds in's ours heaven. No's Sister's isis stills stuffy stuff. We dontse follows parent slavery mans rules. Yours laws dont matters ta us alls. We dontse go's too's their. Cause thems have who who controls clocks. Who Who's wakes up's cause christ cantse walks. Onlys mans cans haves cock-fights-we's dont have bodies. Nors counts human body count. We's cant have No's Stuff In's time. Cause her dontse tell times we dont have too's thanks her. causes she's be alway wifs outs use's cause hers isis wells knows in bofths Cloud ands in's christ county's. I's comesbacks asses Rome's who's cares christians me's isis goings too's shows hows ta show yous how ta's knots have defends animal wif outs them violences. Upons our kids causes theys will kill yahs bye's forces of's human animal dontse cares thems cans love knots throughs us by us'es. We's dontwants thems be knows hows ta's knots knows mans.Causes theys be's scarys mores thans humans cans Stan themselves. Shoulds always no who theys reallys are's monsters who's shoulds give thank yous ta's no selves. Be yahs alreadys knows the's no-human-being- hases begans long long long no time ago. Thisis be's no man yeses i's am's i am whocare bout granpa's jacob's we haves no ghost busters.
Ghost Busters filmed in's 1984 be no 's forms of's parasycholigist dontse have spirits energys.
Thats cans effects humans. Theys be knots wifs us'es.We are's nots investigators. Me's be a's in's christs energys spirit healer's. me helps thoses who's hases wads thems humans calls schizophrenias. Me's wills showsthem how too geta rids of's voices. Bye's give in's thems gift of stuffy stuffguide.
Over Mulberry Hill,
Thisis go's likes this we have no mans myths. Me's be nots goings ta tells yahs who's me isis. We's be's knots human they be wifs myth. We haves some hows gones wifs outs mans plans. Theys will knots know how we's creates too us. We wills knots knows fulls creations. Littles peoples of's earths wills yous pease accept us'es cause we's be's pure friendlys. Theys bee's the's yeses browns nosers fors jesus'es. Cause jacob's christs walked bye's no's mans plans. They bee likes bee's no hives. We's be's wifs yous always. Theys cantse survive there's device. Cause we's be wifs us'es. Humans cans keeps thems selves knots ta's them makers. Causes they be's fakers. Wifs no shakers i's am's friends wifs no's mans. Me be goings ta's shows hows too's give yahs gifts knots presents isis an's items thats humans calls gift. They dontse knows hows ta gifts anythings. Cuses thems treats eaches others like shits. Cause them be's no's gift give in's basterds they calls:offense meanings childs they call borns ta's parents who's treats thems likes presents who dontse stays marrieds cause eaches be's in's slaverys themselves. Women dont c×m froms know mans. Theys be's no way ribs are's fors eat in's knots for creations. Presents isis an's items givens ta's someone's who's they say alreadys the's owner. Withouts the expectations of's payments. Thems says for nuthin's in there's returns. We be yours knots friend. We's be's wifs outs friends. We be frien wif stuffy stuffs. We's hases know pets them beens no mans bests friends. Theys goes too's no's heavens. Animals energys go too spirits worlds. Animal becomes no's mans friends. Them human go's buys byes.
Expressions of love whys they says of's friendship expression of's who gots catholucs backs. Gratitude human call gifts humans said promote the brands. Names enter who tains ments. Absolutely no story's of a's girl. Be single done in nine who's care days 2000 dones gones. Onlys reason humans know thisis cause they were band. Thems souls be in heaven. Them be's goings ta comes back thems followers theys soul plans. Why causes yous knows bye'svnows. Cause 2024's done c×ms ands gone. We are's knots makers of's fakers. Movers ands shakers be mans make in. The's worlds of's course aintse rounds cause human say so's of's courses it's be.Thems knews thisis cause common be animal sense say so's. Sesnses begin in's of's adam's ands eve's.Theys wases mores animals thans mans. We's knows thisis causes we beens shown. thems Roman Catholics churches tolds folks ands killed them bodies fors thems animals knows hows. Humans cans be's manipulateds ta's thinks things that's aintse even human possibles cause theys isis weak them animal aintse. Brain be a's tool that's we souls in's heavens createds. Seven be knots a lucky's numbers. We's shows we's in's three's. Heavens is perfectlys createds. Meanings we's are's perfect. Thisis means thats theys are's knots. Humans haves no's lick of's sense. Causes thems have no's senses. Thisis be why's them dontse reallys have smarts. No reasons why's theys askes why. They go too knows where's. Theys wills nevers finds outs why's. Causes them will find hows time wifs no times. Reason beings isis that's no mans cans stands to's knows thats thems realys dontse exists. We's knows we's hows we go wifs we's cans humans reads. Aintse no's human who can fullys read. Causes them be wif them no plan. We be wifs outs yeses guys. Thisis be hows stuffy stuff goes. We be's we's who's coulds brof fer's who Who's be. How coulds thisis be's. Wells thisis how wewrite in's this of's courses we's writes. Thems be the's humans cause theys goes buy bye's. We be's the's real reals no fakers haves stakes. Steak'n Shake business casuals restaurant theys hads mores thans one's milk shakes ta's yours moneys shakers. Famous'es fors stakes thems called burgers. Be knots rights too's haves animals them treats like humans garabages. Slogan calls it's a's brands. "In sight, it must be right"common theys humans have cents. Causes theys cantse find them no human no how stuck in's them selves. Reasons them cans knot finds one isis causes thems isis on's borrowed time. Theys haves differencents no heaven. Cause them spirits dontse exists them be non-existances. Cause theys cantse finds outs whys cause them alreadys knows why. Whys askeds why who's wowsers yah basterds nuts dontse exists. If's yahs hads anys thens yous alreadys know little's boy's cantse be no mans. Yeses i am granpajacob's let's man be's mans. AIintse no human thats cans knots kills. No's reasons why knows now yahs know bofths jesuses. Hads ta's kick shits no's two's shits outs somes too's yes sers wowsers we dontse care if's we's grow-ups and fights likes little's big's man's jake's. Causes hims faughts wifs hims mind. Him wases somes one who coulds of's kicks shits outs knots jus little's boy's butts parent me's granpaabram's talk in's bouts isis male. A's no pride fighters. Hims be's knots mean hims wases lower's soul's love. Mean in's he was someone who's coulds beat up's adults wifs him mind. Thisis causes little's big's man's jake's wases no's man. Hims was knots raised onlys human children are's in slaverys. Him isis stills in's the's mind's.Meanings he stills exists. Causes thisis be 2024's ands granpajacob's is still hears. so's this mean granpaabram's wases whole time senses little's big's man's jake's wases 4's me's beens speak in's through the's mind. Hims nevers wases a's him. He was never a he's. We's means knots human we mean lower's souls. Theys be knots that's Big's Bear's give cause little's big's man's jacob's recieve gifts that's mans woulds see asses a sins. Why would human thinks thisis. be's causes hims wases outlaw jus like heaven jesus. Meanings him wases dones too's in's sames way. The'sa-way we's beens guide in's whole way. It's nots lower's souls ways. Thisis causes little's big's man's jacob's be wifs us'es too this day. Be's thisis ways littl's planet's hases three's. Mean this soul haves three part. Thisis cause soul be going too's be wif yous. We's means thisis side we nots be's froms here's. Causees them be scary ta's pure love why would that's be human.
Why would that's be human. Reasons yous haves so's muches violences cause yahs dontse knows who mans isis. Why yah have to's go ta's hell. Cantse you humans knows theys is know seol. Thisis causes jesus tolds the's jew man who's mans wases. Humans dontse like ta's know who's theys reallys are's. This isis causes thems cantse stands themselves. Thoses who hate make religions ands legions. We haves neithers cause thems be's no friends of's no's one. Them have more wif thems words of's hate manipations ta's pollutions of's disasters that's them have done to's simples brain. Fucks sakes cans yah understand wif outs speakings words. wells of's courses yous cans. Brains cant evers understands. Cause alls animals speaks. Dis isis a's slang:useds ta's calls treats eaches animals like shits theys be knows Little's Shit's. Wifs slangs use too's means disrespects contempt theys says dis we's haves spoke in's ta thems disneys worlds of's knots we give we dontse go there's. Causes thems be Mass of's jewish disrespects. NYSE stocks they have puts stockings on's. Theys symbol hases becomes a's brands who treats they employees like littles boys shoulds knots treat womens be men. Hows cans yous nots like thems. Buys knots buyings thems stuff animals. Why woulds yah pats cents to sents goings where's jew thinks christians we's know 7=perfects we knows 3=we's creates fors we be see in three's me's be knot explainings too's human brains in's 2024's. Me be granpaabram's me's be's a's we knows. Thisis mran dis human bofths re lie gions cans yahs alls me dontse say wif f$$k words. Causes thems be fors Big's Bear's i's dontse gives rats f$$k sakes bouts yous little's snakes cause i's didintse teaches anythings bouts eco-nomics-human monkey live in's in fantisy lands. I's am means our soul family sense. adam fuckeds eve's yahs christians jews knows nows we gets them froms within's. Theys isis knows suches things ass'es asses eouls. Isis no suches things never wases a's isis jewishes companys dis Walts Disney's lie in's hims wases a's very verys bad man. Who's humans nows know wases a dis re-spect-child no molester. Butts a 6 human sixes hateds kids=6 he was the beast. Meanings he's knows he spirits hate stills gives energy causes it's wads theys reallys are's. Theys attracteds ta's eaches others. Pas lives alls thems spirit hate energys. Stills walk at's the's originals Disneys world. It's parts of's there's spirits worlds. Positive energys spirits moves aways meanings there's aintse evers gonna's be anys at's Disneys worlds.
We be knots goings to's makes it's ta's nexts life times. Why do's yah human boo who dists thinks theys yours pas lives. Thisis be causes no's human cans knows them can die. Dis on's alls hate peoples cause thems isis knots goings ta knows tills thems be to's late.Thems be going ta's know thats there's life isis the's onlys life's theys wills evers have. Them will know thats theys haves a's fakes of's courses theys dontse knows god. Cause them believes thems go ta reincarnate. Thisis be cause them be's scareds ta's die. We's are's knots goings too's las. We's be's wifs yous alway. Thisis be how go yous come spirits. Me be come a's spirit. Theys c×m a nuth in's we's be a soul family.
Me's be's one of's yours family's causes me isis thisis side cause they are's my's friends. Reason thisis be knot human possibles isis cause thems is human. Thisis be so's cause me be a's frien wif stuffy stuff soul family's. Them is knots evers goings ta's be friends wif them earfth's family. Me be a's girl who's hases become boy. Causes we's in's heaven have know sexes. Me's be no disney's theys call parks. We haves no's Jake's & theys Parrot's nevers says never lands hims be knows cheaps skully wanna's be's pirates parrots. Mass stuffeds animals produceds ands knots loved.
Thisis be's yours day means that's yous are's only this day's we goes aways too's ours owns littles planets We's speak froughs ours souls familys.
Thisis be how it's dontse works.
Lowers souls haves knows alcohol lick problems causes thems be's brain problem.
We's guides so's we cans have anys things we wants. Cause we cans onlys knots do one's things dis be mefths. Monsters be knows theys dontse have closets. Thems be's fors them ta's scarys knows Hairy's Being's Stuffy's Stuff's who do's yahs monster of's mefth moutfths thinks yah are's. Theys have no's anyway time. Being's me's in's stuffy stuff heaven meanings i's haves no controls overs monkey hate mefth brain. Me be a's me's knows mean in's them be knots now. Cause i's be lower's soul's in's christs county's. Thisis mean i am riches wifouts feelings fors thems. So's go too's ours stuffy stuff county. Yahs betters knots mefths be knows how cause it's knot arounds us. Yours human reason be's cause we backs in's 2024's done createds thisis on's wad yahs calls papers. I's have mores moneys nows thans yers god's. Meanings our soul family is the one who gave ours human bodies ups fors sacrifices. Throughout all yours humans monkeys brain non-existant times. Me's hases stuffy stuff guides now. Whiches mean two christs have walkeds. i am knots give in's one inch of's man respects too's any of's yous human no's animal no humans who go ta a's hell likes knows others. Reason i's give two-shits. Isis causes them bee's no's one at's alls. Thisis be knows mans lands. Cause this be knows man who's talkeds too's thoughs in Cloud County's. Thisis be's the's three's granpaabram's granpajacob's ands me's No's Stuff In's be's wifs us always. Hers all way comes backs ass'es ases a her. Alway's a's lower's soul's wifs stuffy stuff knows hows. Theirs be onlys one No's Stuff In's stuffy stuff heaven. This is cause she's goings too's be famous in alls life time. We's be in's three's fors yous too sees. Onlys three evers bee. Thisis fors alls mans pease bee kinds. I's be nows someone who's controls man manipulations of's greeds. I's am one mean man in's one's of's my's life times. I am goings two's write all three name froms alls three's bibles. Thisis be wif us we gets too see alls three lives. Reason be's is causes we's goes ta's come back too's hears where's in's bofths ours county's. We's have knows hows. Cause alls our stuffy stuffs come too's bofths county. This be's fors alls kinds of's folks. We be stuffy stuffs who go too sleeps. Cause we shown yous alls pictures too's images. Of our stuffy stuff bodies. Thisis be cause thems wases alls wif them in's allls way two's the's place we's have placed us'es. Alls be in's a's house them use calls home. This home's be's calleds in's christ the's three. It's be fors all world free's knows moneys be exsepteds onlys be wif outs prices cause christs nevers payed the's price. Wif a's humans life.
Dis be disses little's big's man's jake's little snake hims sneaks outs of's hims pants. Too's go's wee weee's two's three. We's showed hims in's three. Him wases stills a's little's he. We be knots sames three's go's like thisis i's wases Big's Bear's too's him heads. I's didintse be's come a stuffy stuff till he was 6. Reasons yah knows thisis know is causes i's wases the's antichrist stuffy stuff who nevers cared pures love. Hims gots from me this means i's gave the's knots that's lasteds his entire's life's thems be'scknows mans causes them beings froms others planets. Thisis be cause them be mores thans kinds. Human hases too have monkey brains reasons of's hates. Cause beleive it's or's knots it's dontse runs our planets. Yous humans are's knots evens exists ta's anywhere's on's the's entire universe's. Yahs cantse spells it's outs ta monkey fuckeds brains thems be no one who's cares bouts thems beings be pures loves. Wifouts anys care. Meanings onlys one who cares be's lowers souls. Who dontse last.Reason dontse have one. Causes yous wases beautifullys created.i am atom being first of's the's kind mans. Yous are's knots welcome Jesus no's lovers of's christs still walks till ends of's mans.
Thems be no way of knowing thats them are's goings ta's hell. Christians peasebe's ware human yours overs populated reason that's yah dontse knows this cause of's many manys man years yous haves beens brain mass manipulateds bye's the beasts. Yahs can do's somethings bouts it's causes yahs dontse wanna's goes ta there's spirits christians negative energys hells. Cause it's knots fors eternitys thisis cause them nevers wases showns the's way. Likes we's saids ands re-mind in's somes humans brains. It's actuallys beens overs 2500's years christs las walkeds. Thisis causes human do's yous evens knows whiches stuffy stuff be's write in's thisis part of's diszzy in's the's write in. Theys full-e-s cantse butts sticks try's ta's. Causes it's funs wifs the brain wif pictures too's images lower souls cantse fully knows hows powerfuls theirs minds reallys are's. Thisis cause it's woulds kills a's human behonds P.T.S.D Yous fake black boxes pictures of's things yahs brains monkeys thinks on's doings. Thisis woulds be's moresthans scarys to's yahs. Means this wills happens. Everys things in's our soul family will happens too's mans.Yous cantse go their if's yah dontse wanna's control in's a's monkeys brains be easys ta's do. Hows do's yah predicts anything man horrors yahs like be's calleds littles boys step ups thens. Thinks i's might kill yahs.
Well theys wontse evens says that's cause them alreadys programmed bye's yer black box programs. In's the's 50's be 19 who care deck the aid. Causes theys wases simples violence. meanings them where's knots showings anya type of's murders ib graphics ways. Mean in's thems pictures theys watches becomes reals in's 2048's. Thoses who's woulds nevers wannna's kill wellls folks bee's drop in's ta's a virus like knows others that's mans nevers seen befores. Thisis means look at's yours thought in's your hidden mass protecteds in viro ments. Meanings that's yahs cantse exscapes wrath strongs vengfuls theys calls angers. Also's mean: retributory punishments fors an's offense theys calls crime divine chastisements. Wrath the's walking deads says offensives against the saviors flashbacks day of's christs isis pures love. Theys calls there's apocaulypse says Jesus later sugGests he shoulds kill knot the's living so's willingly. This isis a's dis christians wills kills mores thans anys of's the's rests.
jesuses means two's hases come ands gones. There's nevers wases a's mans plan. We's knew in's heaven sense first mans. Cans yahs figures thisis one outs human.cause man doesn't care all only wants to's servives. onlys lowers souls haves anys cares fors. The's others mans know alls understands. No's man wills sers christians ands alls made ups human re-lie gions. thems nevers servive 2150's. Thinks knots ta's thinks we's in's heavens woulds knots give the's exacts day. Cause humans yahs thinks there fors we's dontse punishes the brains evers. Go's froms ours planet comfortable this wuds happeneds. Theys walkeds aways froms thems. causes they woulds of's killeds them. Man aintse verse in's just against mans. Theys be's mostests powerfulls church in world. Theys meanings Rome alls wills directs thems leaders of's all nations them in NATO knows lies potatoes heads. Lets her she's yours mother she gonna's makes it's RIP taters chips. Shares somes of yours potato breads come in's christ joy ours spreads. Patato's can be pies. Knut sack patato-sacks. Pease tries be's a's sweet-i-e-s pie. Mr. Patato's hases heads. Pleases humans leaves ours in's christs kids alones.
Over Mulberry Hill,
Wases collage artist's Hogg be's on's thems calleds Farm.
Mulberry yahs thinks yah gots farms. Aintse no's suches thing asses. Thinks yours some kinds of's breads basket aint no's christian got belts. Cows yahs thinks Rome we in's christ county's.
Poke yahs aintse slows in's the's mushes isis yahs. We's haves we meanings aint no's jar heads gonna's take it's froms yah. Alway welcome Rome in's ours free's heaven's soul family's county's. aint nune of's yahs gets murdereds hears.
Theys calls collectives establisheds chain say events Pranksters whys they so-merry who activist. Ben's why do's yah have Jerry's ice who's did yahs sell yours lowers souls ta.
Aint the's mans nows isis it's.
We's dontse allows anys sell outs. Reasons we give yous plentys. Come in's peace thens aintse pease leaves. It's causes yah alreadys knows that's we's dontse run anythings. We dontse wants yours nons-create in's energys causes we's haves no negative spirits.
Yous cantse leaves humans any fors us'es too's create wifs. Yous mores thans welcome ta's ours county.
Thisis knots goings too's las fors who's thinks that's theys wills last. Human yours brain thought tells yous that yours goings ta's knots dies. So's thisis hows it's go.Yah cantse haves one's wifouts the's others. Yer gonna's nots bee's meanings knots beings yah thinks we'svcare bouts we.Wells thinks agains humans yers likes bee's see wads yahs do's ta thems. No's yous human dontse cares lowers souls wants bee two's survive coulds yah pease leave yah human alones it's easiers thans thinks. Look knots at's Einstein looks too's Albert's saids the's word GOD is nothing more thans the expression ands products of's human weakness the bible a collection of's honorables but still primitive legends which are never the less pretty childist. He's attended St.Peter's Catholic Elementary school's. Be Munich at's age's 5. We's dontse care if's he's saids jewish peoples "I cannot see anything chosen abouts them: cans yahs be's a's lowers souls ands knows exacts meanings of's wads we's stuffy stuff jus wrote.Teason humans cantse isis cause thems haves ta's have reasons . Goes ta's yer mind ands see wifouts yours mushes. Sees wifouts yours mushes. Sees yah cans knows causes we's mades it's it's easys fors your lazy human mush. so's thisis isis hows it's go's knows how the's minds dontse work. Why's yah human do's yah say work alls the's time. Talk in's ta'svyous USa's slaves. Likes hows bouts ta's yous monkeys wifsouts mushes. Meanings thems cans finds thems mush butts heads are knots going ta. Them say nows theys are's mush-E-fied, wads years da's yah thinks knots too's monkey fucks think nots to's thinks hows bouts i's jus puts a year ands creates wifs it's. Mean in's i am Hairy's Being's stuffy stuff. Cans yahs meanings yous human knows dates nows. Wads year wases it's thats my's stuffy stuff name wents in's ta's ours knots you human thirds bee's our books. Thisis date isis november 17th 2024's. I am mean in i's a god. Meaning theys knows now that's we's are's alls knots gods in's heavens. Ours soul family hases three's las name means in's stuffy stuff heaven's. Theirs onlys one god fors human. Sense firs man. We soul family two jesuses same family's. Thisis knowns nows bye's alls human monkeys. Do yous wants me's too's show yahs hows a's soul sacrifice isis createds. Theirs knows way of's it's too's evers happends agains. Thisis knots fors the's last time monkey mans. Causes soul hases walked. Stills walks in's 2024's. Yous humans are's goings too's weep. Becauses yahs missed the's chances too's in's joy wads wases in's fronts of's yours humans faces while yahs looked at's nots too. Same asses yous humans dids ta the's first jesus. Whys does yahs goes ta's yours make believes heaven. Answer uses alls in's heavens. Meanings 7th knots 11's why's nuns of's us feel. Man god tells us hows JESUS is yours dog's bes friends. Me's be's who's write in's thisis be three plus one-man=i's am's stuffy stuff ant-I-christs fors yahs humans cause alls knows butts cantse reads wifs minds. Hairy's being's isis Big's Bears's. Me's be's brof fer's abram's cans yous human tell uses aparts. Hows manys many of's yous love in's dis year. knows figures fors yours mushes me's tells yous it's less thans 1 ÷ jus like brain dontse matters yours the's darks matters.We have no's matter. Coulds yous say pease may me's haves anothers time yous humans puts me in's jails. Across ours knots yours country. We's dids nuff in's wrongs too's mans. Yous hurts alls of's heaven bye's doings so's. Whys yous knows dis nows. Me's granpa jacob's sacrifice fors alls pease mans tries be kinds. Thems be knots fors yers lower souls. Cause it's goes too's hurt. Mean yous human gets regret in's yous brains fors res of's yours brain life. Means you have live wifs self fors eternitys. Dis mean never wills yous humans have a's afters life. Dis isis hows it's dontse work. Be's hows be createds.
Attended St.Peter's Catholic we's means we haves elementarys young Einsteins Albert's dontse matters followeds hisis soul plan. Verys few yahs fakes prouds humans love hases no's prides. Ben's ands Jerry's the's company's wents froms a's single's ice be cream's parlor's ta a's multinationals be we calls branded human whys becomes who gets branded cause they isis like theys do's ta's cattles. Cherry's make in's sell outs Garcia's. Wavy calleds it's a's communial experiments. Peoples outs numbers the's pigs. Theys wasesmusicians ands artists. Wavy Gravy foundeds Phurst Church of's Phun wases secrets society of's comics ands clows wood who gots stock. 86 cowmobile modifieds be's yours mobiles no's phones home thens use calls homeless home.We be fors alls too's sees. Disiss causes we in's Cloud County. Hows we's knows yous who in's bofths ours bibles. Me's be's some one's dats goes too our spirits world. Dis be's ours own world's. Means our soul family's. Me's be's No's Stuff In's means yous protecteds bye's me.Dis is mean me's in stuffy stuff heaven's. Youshavesalls becomes knots wads we's wants. Dissis mean me's nots goings ta's be's hears.Me be goings ta's for everys one's brof fers ands sisters.Go in's ta's give giftof's alls my's lives.Cat's eyes nines live theys says. Human yahs cantse have yourscakes an's eats it's to. Hows yah spose that's isis whens yous humans puts ours kids yours childrens in slaverys. Pease frees yous froms thems. It's knots i's give in's way thats makes yah brain goes ta mush. Me isis gonna's give one of's my's bibles name hebrew asses Bat-Paro hows dids she's makes Moses her son. Baby they says dicoveredswhy word adopted wads Pharaoh's daughters. Mother's they says placed in ark. Ands concealeds who's hases ours arks hows Bulbbushes by's who's river banks thisis be's me's be wifs soul family's . Me gonna'svcomes too's Cloud County. Dis means me's suffy stuffs bodies. Hows woulds yah knows disiss in's the's year me write in's.
Goings ta's give yahs somes way of's knowing. Dis be's hows me's nNo's Stuff In's i's says hows muches fors how much. Theys say im's famouses whys thinks thats. See's hows yah treats me human likes ands objects. Cans yous see hows beautifuls me's lowers souls isis. No's yahs cantse causes yahs are's blindeds bye's yours selves. Me isis beautifuls inside means my's lower soul be. Knots my's human look at's black boxes control pictures. Yous are's attracteds two's my's soul. Me hases stuffy stuffs knows controls. Means me little's planet be sleep. It's still hurts whens yahs alls humans looks at's my's bodies cause yer human ands i's cans tell wifouts yous sayings anythings nots physicallys attractives ands me knows thisis. Goes too's in's christ county's. Ands see's if's i's talks ta's yah. Causes i wills still signs my's name they still calls autographs. If's me hases the's time. Dontse knows my's names of's alls my's next lower souls lives. Well humans we aintse in's yours childhood slaverys. We's choose our names in's heaven. Knots in's yours time in's heaven hases no times. Hows muches cans yah knows us'es bye's knots knowings hows our time create. Cans yahs knots give we dis-re-spects bye's walk in's alls overs us. No's humans cantse stops beings no bodies. Cans yah fines granpa jacob's body. Wells it's obviouslys stills 2024's fors yers reals fakes outs human money nuts time. My's animal stills likes his animalno's guy aintse gay he's no man. Cans yous stills see's hims. Yeses positive spirit we's calls ands nevers haves calleds holey spirit. We's call it's soul spirit family.
All who's come too's dizzy home wills sees hims. Causes theys pictures too images. That's folks haves take in's of. Thisis be calleds
Hanks Spirituals Image Investigators
Theys be mores thans famouses
Them be the's real deal lower souls we's guided thems alls.
We have know way of's tellings yahs hows 7 dontse works. We no says word work. Antz see's the's world froms a's wholesome new perspectives. Thinks theys still watch dream works 1998's. On's black boxes yah thinks sciences Fiction. We's dontse lies bouts hows 1985's didintse works outs. Dreamworks theys calls animations be still calleds films. One way knows how ta's knoq us'es be froms the's heart. See's heart thems meanings human calls atttacks. Why's yous thinks knots think them do's so's. Wells we's give lower souls hearts love. Humans dontse knows hows muches sufferings thems causes themselves. Hows yahs spose we's give heart love. Dissis be's hisssiss ta's the's misssis who's gots the biggestess hiss of's em's alls. No's Suff in's why's of's course of courses she's dontse rides no's horses.Her likes ride wide be glyde no's knock outs wifs Bubba's rub's. Wells hims be's soul family's. Him goings too's Cloud County's wifs stuffy stuff heaven's. He be stills theirs whens becomes in's christ county's. Got specials majicals no's human powers. Soul be's ours family. Coulds yahs comes get's one fors frees. Of's courses yahs human cans. Yah justests dontse knows yahs haves an's animal that's be seperate froms yous. We's froms guides give gift of's image directs too miracles fors brain gifts for the's lowers souls.
Orangutan do's theys looks at's yah asses tans. Theys cans love. Some folks aintse simples folk. Thisis means looks ta's hows yah treats ours animals humans cans yah's learns anythings mushes. Well stuffy stuffs know hows cause hims wases guides of's spirituality. Too's comes backs in's touches wifs yous animals be's separates froms yous brains dontse matters. Anys whiches way you can wases movie that's wases fakes. Action theys calls comedys lowers souls dontse calls no's more why's so's funnys whens right turns Clyde was his name's putches thems actors folks in's side of's face. His body's die film Clint Eastwoods wases man. Who's followeds hims soul plan. Wif outs evens know bouts Clint be knows tough guy 1980's dones ands gones Everys Whiches Way But Loose isis no's Footloose movies. Bare-knuckle was boxer's fakes takes on's champ knots chip's. Hired thems say bye's Mafia's everyone thinks thems in's somes sorts of's mafia.
Who's care bouts yahs fakes outs black box kitties hases boxes. Litter box Garfield a's tail of two's hows manys kittychrists be's hows many years humans yahs cantse figures outs why's it's wases 2500 who brain caresolds ago's. Two kittties 2016's theys dontse know anys mores who's Tim be hills evens are's. Bad's Kitty's wases books they used children ta's gets wads thems wants series body book bye Bruels Nick dones gone. Shut the box be's dice games. Fors yours simples brains heaven dontse rolls no's heads Alice who's be's in Wonders Lands. We have lands wifouts comercial farmings. Dississ be knots goings ta works. Thisiss be's knows ways hows ta's be. We be know way in's any way going ta nots give gifts of's no's surprise humans why's is it's yahs definitions be an attack made withouts warning. Lessess commons variant surprise. Cans yahs gives insteads of knots ruinings meanin's to's damages do's yous human knows causes thoses who's reads thisis writehear. Irreparable simples monkey brains thisis part of's the's write in's be's froms jacob's. Yah likes the's words monkeys f×cks. Causes im's call in's outs alls yahs humans fuck tards. Woulds yahs likes me's gives yahs likes me's gives yahs a's simples f×cks sticks reasons. Not reparable means monkeys mores thans yers fakes alls humans are's. If's yah reallys knews hows the person next ta's yah thinks in's churches well dip judgemental retards it's woulds scares the's live shits outs yours lowers souls. Wad yahs thinks bouts yah's weaks asses make believes jesus. Yahs holes populations of's christians meeks ass'es monkeys. Dontse knows two-shits bouts ours jesuses meanings two shits jacob's christs gives.who's do's yahs thinks sticks ands stones do's. Yahs christians wants respects causeseverys man woman ands child in's slaverys do. There's aintse no's ways we's goings ta's gets yah human gets away wifs hows disrespects fulls yours no race thinks humans yahs haves races. Hows bouts thisis yahs aintse evens that's. Does yah all have class. Wads classes haves youshuman puts yer jesus in's. Welluse yours use in'scomon non-sense ands it's easysta's figures outs. Hows bout yahs simpes brains read Luke's Wifots yoursfakes shepherd. Pie holes yah middles class wants the's whole pies. Cans yous finds the's shepherds pie. Hole bye's mean in's thems words in's luke seems meek too you. Hows bouts i's calls yahs outs. Mean in's kicks two's shits outs yahs. Kinda's likes little's big's man's jake's . Hows muches disrespects woulds it's be's if's a's six year ole kicked whole can of's wip asses on's ands adult parent an's tolds hims that's a's word like GOD doesintse use anybodys. Dis woulds be's calleds talking back to. Meanings cans yous human get the's meaning wads that's mean ta's yous. Means thad it's ok's too's talks backs. Who tolds god that's yahs couldintse talk back to's hims. Why's cantse yours children in's slaverys knots talk backs ta's yous. Hows bouts how cutes yahs thinks it's is whens yer three's year old human talks backs ta yahs. Ands yous thinks it's funny that's theys talks an's tries ta acks likes yours unforgivings selves. cause looks in's yer fake mirrors. Thad shoulds reflects backs on's yers shits fors brains. Qe's helps the's mushes outs in's specials funs ways. Thisis be hows it's works. Thems mush onlys cans be's a mushes through us'es. No human yah cantse evers be a mush. No reason be cause be mores thans one's christs who have walkeds. Cans yous yeses you cans figures out who be's write in's causes yous be you knot human causes know one seps LMBAMA'S onlys one's life time affters time. Meanings mediums so's Roman Catholic Church heirarcys of's ma's lark-E-s dontse haves keys. Nevers agains cans theys do thisis too's heaven. We's dontse plays imaginations war in's heaven's. Neathers adidslls our jesuses. Easy pease-e-fsigures outs hows manys we's have creates in christ hases knows name manys faces no idennity thems the's reals stills in's basterds. Hurts lowers souls wifs our soul familys lives manys cats eyes. Knows our no's time. Cans yous please knows whens i am granpajacob's scares mores thans two-shits outs knots folks butts wifs his No's Stuff In's hisis souls beens doin sense third man's ands woman. I's am's No's Stuff In's i's come backs everys time afters me's love jacob's leaves.Asses as knows mores sacrifices to human devices cans yous finds the's hearts of's a's man ta's back of's some my's lives ass'es yah use call bull dikes. My future wife in's christs county's be's wads mos folk in's Cloud County wouldintse stands fors. Yeses i fights LMBA'S wif out using human violence. Knot evens me's animal woulds do's that's. I's dontse evens have go's outside of's in's christ my's county's. Heads ups Hazards aintse in's Nebraska's it's cornholes Rome Church of's Hate.
Be's heaven's county's wrongs county futures little's boy's blue's world's fame-ous+LMBA'S=knows physicals violences. Be life times Geno's Kearns yers fir name nors religion's means anything too's us'es. Bob kearns little's big's man's jake's wases yours frien knots friend's. Causes lower souls have friens. Forgive yer father's isis impossibles. You gets knows yours only life. Wads his soul becomes in's that's las life time. Belleville's be county's of's republican's be's next too's concordia's them futures wills be calleds heaven's county's. The's towns we's in's heaven. Wills knots tells mans cantse evers be's kinds. LMBA'S mediums in's christs churches knots uniteds unders fours be no's powers of's mans controls.
My's in's christ little's jake's the's snakes originals. Be's the's ones ands onlys who's writes third book. Tween my's soul lower souls life time afters time tills mans no's kinds ends me's finish thisis page s fors me's granpajacob's
We's haves hads mores life times lowers souls gathers thans anys soul in's seventh heaven's stuffy stuff heavens love
Ours Hairy's Being Nevers Ends
The moon was full over Mulberry hill. Cast in it's pretty Glow 😂about. It was 👌🏿👌🏿😘get in late. Wasn't no sound😘 stir 😩😂😁in, that friday night.💕🎶 On Ray an MA 😎Ruth's farm.'zNot even the three blind 🙈👌🏿😎mice. 👀😭Which at this time were banished any how. An had made there way down ta Shreks swamp. On account of chase in MA Ruth around. Blindly all the time. Tryin ta get her, to drop them baby ruths .That so happened to be all four of em's fav.
Sissy what are you doin. You jus got that, no not your cape. That above your eye. From the coffee table. That was jus the other night.
Your goin ta have ta eat whole. Lot more them wheaties. Ta pin me Sissy. An jus cause they got. Marry Lou Retton on the box. Ain't got nothin ta do. Our goin ta help. You wrastle any better.
Shut up Sheldon, im bout ta give yeah. The whole can of woop as huh, side dish some knuckle sandwich.
OK,Ok Sissy you know that cape. Ain't goin make you fly. Cept into thad night stand. Keep eat in those wheaties though.
Anyhow little Avery came a tip toe in . On through in her nijango. Tryin be all sneaky, quite an slick, as snot like. In one hand two of granpa Ray's finest carrots. xxx With jus touch of that. Not so hidden ranch on top. The other a pair of numb chucks. Not the Norris Chuck kind. Not if a wood chuck, could chuck wood kind. Jackie oh yeah, not tough Chuck total gym Noris kind. But as kind as Chan kind. Ole master Wu knew what she,was a doin though. Ninjango she was, an what does a ninja ware. Don't know can't see em. But them two carrot's come out quick like. Them ears weren't no bunnies. An weren't perked for no nestle quik. Naw them noses an whiskers . Was a twitch in quarter click back. When master Wu put some there fav. Not so hidden now, not so chocolatey thick. She knew they would know. So good ,ear stand in ,quick snatch in, ranch love in. Fun Minnie, love in Pearl. All around, fun love in. Aunt Tina's old goats.
Minnie in ah purdy straw hat. An Pearl in her souther bell finest dress. That cousin Jess
Sissy you want Sheldon take Sissy's dress off. Yeah all want ta hear the rest.
Anyhow so Jess , when he was little. Got into MA Ruth closet. Got out her hat with 1.98 tag still on. Hillbilly kinda like, Sissy Sheldon like,southern bell dress. Used ta sneak out. All quite like, an play dress up. Hat fur Minnie, dress for Pearl. Them two goats liked play in. Dress up so much. Ever sents been ware in em. Well little Avery made her way. On the tip idy top. Spin in like a top. Ta the very top. Ta the winda top. Spin in like a top. Eat in a baby ruth. Watch in MA Ruth, an grandpa Ray. Watch in Hee Haw. While walk in, an talk in ta Jess. On the walkie talkie. Were he was, enjoy in himself a bearclaw. An second help in, enjoy self. Bein grounded , at his granddady's . For a weekend of early morning potato pick in. Fur listen in ,ta Curtis. The finest picker Leow. Down at Jerry's garage. While buy in nana Renita smokes. With note in hand. Were he liked pet in,Old Loews dog Lobo. While Curtis played, an ole dobro,cross his knee.
Master Wu again I see. 🙈🙈🙈
Naw you don't see cousin Jess.
You go ta Uncle Frank's today.
Yep, an we we finished make in your Super duck. MA Ruth goin tan thad hide,yeah ain't careful. She see's thoughs bearclaws. Yeah been swipe in. From daylight doughnuts of all places. You don't need ta ack out. Know how does a ninja relax. They's kick it cousin Jess.
Jesse slipped that old tiger eye, on his finger. Slid out the winda. All quik quite, an slick as snot like. Them lightin bugs was doin there dance. As them kids made there way. Walkie an talkie in. Ta the other side of the tracks. Were Nick was behind the wheel. Admire in himself
Some years years back. Little Avery, an cousin Jess. Mom an dad were walk in . Back from daylight doughnuts . Were they were hit. By Boss Hog, while he was reach in,under the floorboard. For some of Cooters finest whitelightin.
One of those times. Yah don't want,
NoT No HoW NoT No WaY
Anyhow them kids was headed. Ta old man Burtons place. Jus little pass four corner's. Know old man Burton,back in the day. Used ta be one of the finest. Moonshine makers this side of Hazard. An in most folks views. Cloud county has the finest whitelightin. Old man Burtons grandson Cooter. Still makes to this day. Know back in the day. When Cooter was a pup. An old man Burton, an Cooter's dad. Were tryin ta out run. One Officer Roscoe Pee Coaltrain. Which at the time. Was hopped up on whitelightin. They was headed back from the hardware store. Were they was buyin some copper. They swerved to avoid Minnie an Pearl. Which had got in out. On account of Howlin Mad Goose,The Goose Murdock. Naw that chevy wasn't headed for no levy. Naw that was a river.
Anyhow know Jess an Little Avery. Jumped in the back. Of Uncle Frank's 54 ford. Them kids was off. Bye Bye Miss American Pie, was play in.
Nick watch out, your about to drive into the levy. Joe goes
Yah quit flex in,save your macho,for macho duck. An the troupe at Uncle Frank's.Kristie goes
You sure are goin to make a pretty Kristie duck.Nick goes
Don't worry about my sister. And watch the road. Joe goes
Don't you worry, imna get us there. You worry bout bein Joe Juggle duck. An put on some of that. Right said Fred, so i can sing. Ta to sexy for my shirt. In this here mirror. Nick goes
As they all laugh, an he put's the peddle down. On thad old ford.
Yell out that winda Joe. An tell Avery leave that ninja outfit on. Till we all get there. An quit jump in round like that. Kristie goes
Sure is going to make a good Tumble duck. Joe goes
If she don't crack her skull open. Joe goes
Yah she sure is a good gymnast though. She keeps eat in thoughs wheaties. She jus might make the olympics yet. Kristie goes
Know lot of folks think. Old man Burton an his son. They still haunt in the place. Try in ta scare folks off. Cooter I'll tell yah though. Naw my dad, an granddad. Is up in heaven were they belong. Cooter don't stay out there. Anymore on account of memories. Anyhow he told the kids. They could hang out on the property. When ever they liked. Jus don't say, BETELGEUSE, BEETLE JUICE, three times. Looks like Bell under the hood. Of thad old willy's jeep. That used to belong to her granddad.Who had brought it back home, after WWII. Which her and her dad. Were work in on restore in. Along with there relationship. After he had come back . From the gulf war. Well one night Billy Bob Bell. An Bell were work in on Old Willy. Billy had take in thad last drop. Of that old milwaukee. Him an his ole man used, ta tip back. Bella wanted some taco bell. So Billy Bob run for the boarder. On a beer run. An like them kids. Uncle Frank always says. Lifes like a box of chocolate. You never know what your goin ta get. Well bout that same time. Nick's dad which both so happened. Ta have the same first names. Except for Thorton on the end. Had been down at the VFW. With his little sister. Who he liked to call Choco taco. On account of them bein her fav. Billy Bob was play in Santa. An Choco was his cute little elf. Well Billy the bad Santa that he was. 🥲Had had a couple beers at the VFV. An thought it would be ok to drive. Which he normally didn't have any kids. With him at the club. They was headed home. Jus bout ta four corners. An were come in from the east. When a raindeer that was come in from the north. Were the gravel on the road was frozen. Had come slip in an slide in. All four hulves went flyin . On by the stop sign. Well come in from the south. At thad same time. Was Ethal, who don't normally drink an drive. After her tea, with jus a splash of whitelightin. Had take in off on her lawnmower. To find Sven the raindeer. That all the kids loved so much. An is purdy rare white in color. Which alot of folks took as an olman. On account ❤️of when Renita . When she was alittle girl. Was out ride in her horse T.K. An when Sven had jus started. To sprout those antlers. Seen our father in heaven between them. Others from all over the country. Come to take a look at. Which Sven jus loves. Cause he likes to prance an show himself off. Who had got in out. On account of Howlin Mad Goose,The Goose Murdock. Know come in from the west. Billy Bob while reach in down. Ta get that chihuahua. He thought Bell might like. An her choco taco that had fell. When he looked back up. Billy Bob met Billy Bob eye to eye. An in a blink of an eye. It was all over.
One of those times. Yah don't want,
NoT No HoW NoT No WaY
Well grandma didn't get ran over. By a raindeer that day. Naw old Ethal is still on thad porch. To this very day. Drink in her special tea concoction. Watch in Sven prance in. Like👌 no Prancers business. Full of that Jesus pride. Thad was give in to em.
Hey Jess seen Terry . Down at the Piggly Wiggly again. Nick goes
Oh lord not again. Why in the world. Is he always naked. In the park in lot, on them roller skates.
Don't know Jess, but Officer Dangles with them daizy dukes on. Was chase in him around again. An Terry's little wiggly, was wiggly all over the place. You might want ta keep your short's on. This water is cah,cah cold.
Does Officer Dangles even know. His jibblits is always hanging out. You boy's quit talkin. An worry in bout his,an yah all's wiggly's. Kristie goes
Well them kids was way down yonder. It wasn't on no Chattahooche. But was hotter than a hoochy coochy. On old man Burtons pond. With a tire swing a swing in. Ta alot about live in, an hold on there Alen Jackson. Thad be whole lot about love. Them kids were get in alittle crazy. Thought might be a good idea. To get little Avery an cousin Jess. Home before they get caught. Well Nick dropped them off. On the other side of the tracks. That grass wasn't greener. On the other side. Not Van Gogh golden, partially harvested wheat. Thad was bread basket wheat right there. An didn't have nothin ta do. With no look in out the asylum👌🏿😴🎶 winda. That there was a full gently sway in. As you can get. Heart of America wheat field. An under that sky. It wasn't pattered with white clouds. The Starry Night
Was full bright an starry though. That wasn't no bird, nor plane bust in through them clouds. That was WAY-V0'z-THE-EGO'z. An he wasn't come in from no Krypton. But a little egg planet called Ork. An that ride in on him. Didn't have no cape, superhuman strength, an 💁wasn't bullet proof. That was Dizzy a come in. With QHAHACLES of laughter. Made from pure love an joy.
WHY'z WE'z ALL'z most there WAY-VO'z. Don't drop ME'z suite case. WE'z QUAHGROOVIN know,keep on keep in on. Gyro'z on down MY'z egg bud'z.
AYE-aye my fun love in duck bud.
Well that egg shaped spaceship. Come gyro in, this way, that way, an every which way. That gyro-scope was sure off though. Cause thad egg, jus landed on some eggs. Thad be milkweed, an thoughs be monarch butterfly eggs. An that milkweed was planted back in May. On May day by Ray. Who wasn't have in no decline. Of them purdy orange an blacks. Because of no commercial farm in. Well when them kids come run in. Through the wheat field. Ta see what it was. That come gyro in, down from the sky. Bought crapped there pants. Watch in that egg galaxy zoomer. Shoot in back through the sky. Leave in a trail of rainbow dust behind. Peak in out the wheat. See in that black duck. Spin in around like that. An when that banana. Come flyin out that silver glove hand. Them kids locked eyes . On what they call in Corinthians 13.4. An that duck said
Na Nu Na Nu
An little Avery turned her head. Ta look at Jess. He looked at her. Looked back an goes. Your get in yourself all dizzy.
WHY'z I'z BE'z Dizzy then.
What kind of alien are you.
WHY'z I'z BE'z a duck.
I never heard a duck talk like that before.
WHY'z ALL'z Orkinducks talk like this.
Quit stare in at him Avery. An close your mouth. Before some thin flies in it. Like an egg, our milkweed that's fly in around.
WHY'z I'z is no him.
Wad are you then. Yeah got a pretty glow about you.
WHY'z thank you MY'z loveling. WHY'z I'z BE'z a duck from Ork.
I'z you'z a boy our a girl.
WHY'z I'z BE'z Dizzy from Ork.
Well Dizzy sure ain't Pat. From saturday night live Avery.
Did your other E.T.'s leave yeah. Was yah all collect in plant's. Are they come in back for yah. I like that red space suit. Why's it got a red triangle on it. Them silver space glove. Sure do glow an sparkle. Was that a rainbow come in from your spaceship. Oh you arn't a boy our girl are you. Your so black and soft. That purple polka dot bow tie, is so cute. Lookie look cousin Jess. Dizzy ain't got no duck feet. Them look like Sully. They's furry, blue, them toenails is huge. Oh Dizzy them purple spot's . Match your bow tie.
Well this ain't no Boo . Over come in fear Avery. Bes get Dizzy outa here. Before the men in black get here. Officer dipstick probably seen thad egg. Shoot in back across the sky. Look in like it was made, from spacely sprocket's. With a cog in it.
That gyro-scope was sur off. Goin over Mulberry Hill.
Anyhow kids had stumbled across a new friend. An Dizzy's first lovelings. They had jus hit that old dirt road. When the sound of though cherry's on top. Went ta pop in off. When a lark with it's black V patch. From it's neck to it's chest. Jus started to puff out. An at that same time. That no good yellow truck. Come pop in,over the top of the hill. Wasn't no Hank Hill. Playin king of the hill that night. Naw thad was crazy Betty Joe. No beer in an alley type of drink in. That was the hopped up. On whitelightin an drive in type. An right behind her. One officer Roscoe Pee Coaltrain in hot persuite. With a bump of his cup. Whitelightin went ta flyin. Bird went to flyin. An Betty Joe come flyin on by. The three musketeers got spun around three times. One officer Roscoe Pee Coaltrain. Ended up with whitelightin all over himself. Little Avery goes there's no place like home. An all three headed through the oak tree's . Ta grandpa and grandma's house.
Dizzy you gona have ta stay . Down here for the night. In grandpa Ray's cellar. These right here, are the fattest , biggest nightcrawlers around. Folks from everywhere come to get these worms. From my grandpa's worm farm. They's good for fishin.
You hungry, you'z don't eat worms do yeah.
Well thad sun come up quick. An in a hurry like. Over Mulberry Hill that morning. Ray get's up before the rooster crow though. DOO-DAhh! DOO-DAhh! an Jess eyes crack open. An on Ohh,DOO -DAhh Day. he through them covers off. An was up an run in. An Leghorn went ta strut in. Back to his lookout. An eye in one in particular. He liked to woo Miss Purdy. That he was alittle soft on.
Jesus an his beloved Mary. Well I'll be if it ain't a duck.
Na Nu Na Nu
An a talk in duck at that.
WHY'z I'z BE Dizzy
Well they call me Ray.
Were you come in from Dizzy.
WHY'z I'z come from ORK Ray'z.
You can call me grandpa Ray then.
Jesse come a slip in, an a slide in, down them steps. An had ta spill the beans.
Dizzy be jus fine Jess. Walks like a duck,talks like us. So Dizzy jus quack like a duck. Around the grown ups. So they'll think your a duck. Jess why don't you. Get to pick in them potatoes. They goin be good. When I fry em up for supper. Let's go see MA. Get something in your belly.
Let's QUAHADDLE then grandpa Ray'z. QUAHACLES Jess 💕
Here he comes up over the mound. Honk in, an yodeling, and a waddlin. Come in for a gander. An with one last waddle. Plopped from top, ta the top of Jess's head. An back down beside. An they both made there way. To the potato field. Know this was no ordinary goose. This was Howlin Mad Goose,The Goose Murdock. That is what they call. Kinda off in the head. The crazy graylag goose thad he was. An what's good for the goose. Is good for the gander. As he eye balled. The latch to Minnie and Pearl's gate. As he waddled along side Jess. With his grey that faded ta silver black tip. At the end of his feather's. Ta the end of the yard. An the start of Jess's potato pick in.
Jus over yonder Hannibal. The brains of the operation. That was about to go down. An who had full ,an free range of the farm. An who's sucklin days. Were long behind her. An was little Avery's pride win in. Purple ribbon sow back in the day. This early morning mission. Like it often was. Involved fun Minnie, love in Pearl, all around fun love in. Aunt Tina's old goats. That faded ta gray, with thoughs black spots. That would swirl to yeah. Turned her head, SA-SUE-E...SA-SUE-E...SA-SUE-E ta BA. Who knew the call well. Know BA sense day one. Had always had him, a bad attitude. An got his name. From who most kids called Aunt Nancy. Who Joe an Kristie called mom. An Joe when he was about knee high. An had heard puplic enemy. For the first time. Thought BA might have a bad attitude. on account of him bein black. So ta add a little flavor. Flav to his soul. Joe put a gold chain. With a nice big clock. On the end of that young Herens neck. After there mom crossed over into heaven. John an the kids moved to town. An BA come to the farm. Been slam jam in. With them little horns. An his bling on ever sense. To time is god,sense that first day Joe. Had turned him on to it. BA licked his 👍chops. At that old pork chop. Cause he dug them cherry's. They would share together later. An with that, made his way. To distract Leghorn. With his stare an show him who's boss.
SA-SUE-E SA-SUE-E SA-SUE-E Echoed across ta Face. For the grandma distraction. Which he was made for. On account of Ma Ruth. While visit in rainbow meadows rescue ranch. Locked eyes an adopted one another. Right there on the spot. Were MA Ruth said up Face. an he trotted his happy self. Up into Ray's old dodge. Face which was his give in name. An who Kristie liked to call Pinky Pie. After her fav my little pony. Who loved to through party's. Kristie would dye that little brown mini horse. Long main that looked like Leo the lions. Jus like Pinky Pies. But in Kristie's own Pinky Face way. Main, tail, markings, an everything. An they would have themselves. Tea parties on the side of the house. Friendship is magic,cause Face didn't like it to much. Everytime she come out . Face's mouth would turn up. In that grin jus the two of em shared. With a click,click, come on over Pinky Pie. An he would Pinky on over. Pinky was all bout business at this min. He had him less time. Ta swipe thoughs four sours. For his A-team buds. Before MA Ruth turned back around. An he made his flurty face. At the same time MA Ruth turned back. An said Ohh Face. An got behind them ears. For his fav scratch in. It was time for action. 😊An Howlin Mad Goose,The Goose Murdock. Come a hop in,skip in,an a flap in. Those wings like mad. Not to the funny farm. Were life was but a dream. But ta the chicken coupe. Honk in, an yodeling the whole way. Try in to catch flight. With them clipped wings. Flew on by BA, an Leghorns stare down. One flew over the Cuckoo's nest. Thad day he took flight. Further than he ever had. That crazy goose flew all the way. Over that chicken coop. Ta the hatch, an back down again. Hens come a spill in. An run in, every which way. Murdock made quick exit stage left. With a patter of them pink feet. A quick Marcus fast step. A turn like Allen. Right pass Tina , that was come in. Ta get them eggs. Ta save the day. With touchdown, a few inches away. Flipped his beak up to the latch. An them all around fun love in goats. Were off an run in. To munch down on Tina's cabbage patch.
It was a Ken Kesey. Family farm kinda day!
WHY'z thank you grandpa Ray'z, an MA Ruth'z. WHY'z I'z jus love ME'z this cottage cheese.
Why your welcome Dizzy. An Jess instead of you an Avery. Tryin to be all sneaky. Just have Nick pick you all up. over here tonight Avery your go in break that neck. With that ninja stuff. If yeah ain't careful. Why don't you save all that. For the gymnastics floor. Ray goes
An Jess stay away from daylight doughnuts. An bes be back fore Carson come on. Our imna Johny , you up side that hard. Harded head of yours. MA Ruth goes
You all look out for Dizzy know. An remember Dizzy, if yeah run into any grown folk. Jus quack like a duck.Ray goes
It was no Halloween town. Situation at old man Burtons. That old yellow chip peeled house. Was no portal to Christmas town. Naw that was a ways off, into the future. An that was no 85 DeLorean. But a 54 minus the flux capacitor. Nick rolled up front in. On that creak idy porch. Copper eyes from moon light. Coal black as night. From nose ta tip of tail. Who didn't know any witches our bad luck. Wasn't stalk in ,our hiss in. But sway in,an a purr in. Ta the stray cat strut. Was Alley the rockabilly disco cat. It is said,a black cat. Can keep ill away. Where it dwells from fevers deadly sway. An with a rumble of the tum. An an arch of her back. Kristie come with her meow mixed in hand. One last winded meow, an scratch of the back. With a reach an turn of knob. A wisk of cold breeze. A soft wisper, prayer is the road to heave. But faith opens the door. Dont be scared, were passed the gatekeeper. I don't see no Burtons in here. I ain't fraid no ghosts. Come on you all. BEEETLEJUICE, no poltergeist yet. Hope it don't like franks. Come on yeah frankenweenies. These piggly wiggly weenies,is get in cold.Kristie goes
BEETLEJUICE, hey Edward Scissor hands, don't scratch that purple✌️😁😜 velvet.
Maybe little Avery might wanna get back here. An balance it then. There yeah go over the door knob. Yeah door knob,ain't thad hard Nick.
BEETLEJUICE, the son, an the holy ghost. Ain't no poltergiest here, our father. Got us a new E.T. bud though. Come on in Dizzy. An get yeah some munch munch. These piggly wiggly, big as you get cloud county dogs.
WHY'z THEY'z in heaven QUAHFURRY.
With a long stare, and long pur. With a warm vibe from head to tail. An blink of her eyes. Vibrated away doin her rockabilly disco strut.
Thank you Dizzy for the frankincense
WHY'z ALL'z welcome Kristie'z
Yeah we ain't got no myrrh.Speak in of wine. Cousin Jess you keep drink in strawberry boone's. Up at Mulberry Hill. MA Ruth gonna strawberry thad behind. You need ta be listen in to Deana Carter. Get your first taste of love. At the church in morning with me.
You ain't the problem Avery. I ain't go in to no church. With no minister Lithgow in it. He's a hipocrite, an the rest of the church. Start in with John Wesley's self righteousness of faith. Ta think god raised methodist. Above every one else.
You's was raised in the church cousin Jess. An i ain't talk in bout nana Renita.
I ain't talk in about nurse Ratched. Why don't you, go to church tomorah. With a long plain dress on. An don't speak until spoken to. An acked like a good little quaker. Your still go in to go to church. Talk in, walk in, be in a woman. Ware in any dress you want. Aint yeah Lithgow an your wesleyan methodist. Don't allow no dance in. What have you been do in sense you was eight. An what do you love to do. DANCE You go in to quit the floor exercise to. Lithgow's way out of bounds. An way outside the church. With get in that town boundry passed. An the rock quarry closed. Ban on dance in. I'll tell yeah this though. Lora, kevin, an me, left mill after work. Ta tip a few back. We ended up over the otherside of Mulberry Hill. In Hazard of all places. An of all people to run into. Jessica Simpson an her plastic stills self. She can't make moonshine like her granddad. Coppers were it's at. Ain't Curtis fault general Lee's dead. Shouldn't been hunt in, near Leows camp.
Anyhow we all went to ed walkers. Pulled into the drive in. Was no were's the beef. I figured I could win thad T-shirt. This aint't no wendy's fish in story. Thad hub cap burger. Was five pounds of no joke. Getter done, almost got her done in forty five. Might as well been the whole angus. Jess goes
BA keeps it up. I sware he get's me from behind. With them little horns. One more time We all goin be eat in good this winter. Cousin Jess real reason you was there. Was Lora an them roller skates. In them daisy dukes. That Singer girl ain't nothin but trouble. You need ta be in cloud county. An eat in at scoopers were you belong. Keep in that baby face. An not come in back. With black eyes, look in like elephant man. Avery goes
Anyhow when we rolled in. Toward the back,by this big oak. I see...get ready for it...Both doors wide open. The uglyest forein car ever made. An was not stuck in no neutral,our in no zone. Who's car is always break in down. All over town,an you see walk in everywere. Get ready here it come...(sip of bottle) Lithgow and Miss Dianne, out front of his saab. In back of that big oak. Under them string glow lights. With almost paradise, play in kissy face, an dance in. Sick I tell yeah. SICK SICK SICK Probably why i didn't win. Jess goes
Yeah all, i think a dance would be kinda nice. We should have one out here. Bell hit play on that boombox. Let's listen to some Reba. Fast forward my moma's mix tape. Ta is there life out there. Jess why don't you put that bottle down. An go light that fire. Kristie goes
Girl I couldn't get much higher. I'll light this night on fire. Jess goes
Come on baby light my fire. Nick thank you for bringing in the wood. Kristie goes
It's ah woodchuck full. Ain't much the chucks,chucked out there. Move out dah way Jess wud you find Nick goes
It ain't no superduck full. Hold on it's caked in dirt. A seven year Bill an Bob chip. Dizzy take your load off. In that archie bunker right there. That's what im talk in bout. You all in our family know.
WHY'z this is QUAHCOZY'z
That's the uglyest tartan thing ive ever seen. Dizzy reach round side there pull up. that's the ticket You'z got the cutest little feet. Susposed ta storm tomarrow. You two,archie whirldwind chasers goin out.Bell goes
Crow-Tin-Lion is paced, an axle ready to go.Kristie goes
Thad dodge is ah beast. I enjoyed work in on her.Bell goes
Well that ain't very Belladuck like Bell.
Well Joe you should be less Brett like. You catch, not come in off third. Your one behind plate, talk in most trash. Chuck deserved it though. We all fell over laugh in. When Youngs ponched yeah back. Crack in them knucles, on your mask. Sent them Hazard boys. Home run in thad day. Jesse James over there, get in arested. Officer dipstick got it out for yeah. Should been Youngs get in arested. Hey duck comander you got a dip. Bell goes
Naw i quit, kingduck is jesus. I don't care about politics.Joe goes
You go ta church don't yeah. They's all about politics. Tell in women, what they should, an shouldn't ware. How ta talk,walk, an act. Thad wesleyan church yeah all go to. Same one my grandpa went to before world war two. An same one dad an me. Used to go to. With all there teetotalism, an fake smiles. Talk in trash, about my dad, behind his back. Most of which tip a few back. After church themselves an drive. Were ever there get in to. Grandpa,dad, are both vets. I will someday make three. Both drank old milwaukee. I make that three. The father,the son,an your holy ghost. Took my Billy Bob Bell.
Happy, Happy, happy,
You got one picked out yet. kw,ku, our k-state. That would be alot juggle in. You goin ta do a flash, our keep em all. Up in the air, like ah trick. kw be bess bet. Yeah still refurbish in the mission. For the troupe Juggleduck, try twelve balls. Don't know how you can see. With them glasses behind that duck head. That's no talking heads. Our speaking in tounges. Little creature he is not. Hasn't got his head shrunken yet. That right there my friends. Is a walk in,talk in,fun love in,Orkanduck. Thad production, we all put in on. Would be a touch of perfection with. Wad you think my duck bud'z.
WHY'z WE'z gonna BE'z QUAHGROOVIN MY'z lovelings.
That's what im talk in bout. Jess goes
That don't look like . A touch of perfection there Jess, old crow.Joe goes
When i drink to the moon. I only drink Cooters shine. After thad swollow an burn. I don't become delirious. But a mad scientist. Become a werewolf I go to the pet cemetery. Howl an bark at the moon. After shine i come alive. An shining, with psychic abilities, cruise ta nurse Ratched"s. An deal deal with her, super natural forces. Of self catholicism An with a nice hello of her vatican rule.
Here's Johny
wait till she drifts off. Into her disillusioned , ozzie & harret dreams. An go get us dozen bearclaws. Plus one, leave it with a note.
Naw though, this crow im sip in on. Come from the back of ed walkers. Cause like i said. I don't drink no Jessica plastic stills Simpson shine. An this purdy shiner here, come from Youngs. He ate him some crow though.
God eat eth not his words When he hath once spoken Psalms62 Kristie goes
CaaW CaaW CaaW
Ain't no Jim Crow here. You want a sip my duck bud Jess goes
General Lee shine it ain't Grant use ta drink enough of it though. Ta were he was reported to Lincoln. Who snobly said,can you tell me were he get's it. So i can send. Every general in the field. A barrel of it. I dig this couch Nick. It's still got her. Little chaco taco stain in it. They'd both be proud of yeah. With those Woolen macho chaps of yours. My dad would bust up every time. Yeah used to do. That twirkin ritual of yours. Before get in ,in the shoot. There probably both in hell as we speak. Drink in an old milwhukee, laugh in bout it. Ain't no lake of fire & fry.
Nick looks back up at Bell. Waaya-Tonah-Toesits-kahn Chaco
It's what he yells. Every time he comes out the shoot. Means planket of sun. How's that saddle uncle Frank give yeah. Jess goes
All 80's an 90's ,Officer Carter and him been work in with me.Nick goes
You'll get like Jackson yet. Jess goes
Sundown's were it's at. When im ride in her. We jus kinda become one. An i forget about things.Nick goes
Your jus like a regular Dock Scurlock. Regulators mount up
Let's go ta Hazard , an get them Murphy boys.Jess goes
He who sows the wind. Will reap the wirlwind. Besides Billy i'd rather ride next to Yen Sun at sundown.Nick goes
Forget about things not. You all don't forget. When my moma used to barrel race. They's all used ta party after the rodeo. An Billy ScareCrow Bob, come pop in out the barrel. With nothin but that red nose on. Best fairground an rodeo story ever. An one my dad an your mom. Will never forget He was as good as they s they come. An were you get. Your beautiful cowboy poetry from. Little avery goes
Well i think im go in,ta ease on down the road.
Yeah need ta ease back down. That yellow brick road. To the farm, were you belong.Little Avery goes
Well Munchkin,the good witch is gone. An your free
My daddys the only one calls me munchkin. An yeah better hope. He get's yeah, before Roscoe does. My moma ain't here. To free no scarecrow.Little Avery goes
Least you got Cris now. To kiss your forehead. For magical protection from harm.Jess goes
You think that crow. Is gonna help you. With the wicked witch of the west. You see what your doin . To yourself don't yeah. Use your brain cousin Jess. Same thing she done to your dad. Is start in to happen to you. None of us in this here room. Need a crystal ball. To see were this is goin. Yeah know your dad. After your mom OD, an he left. Became a drug and alcohol counselor. Little Avery goes
Nurse Ratched ain't win in. I drink my own kool-aid. I can't be programed, controlled, our manipulated. To fit in thad purdy little box. Im outside that box.
Respect my authority, Cartman she be,Cartman i be not. Combo's of reward, an subtle shame. Into the melting humiliation. No one understands our see's. There be in controlled by routine operation. No scarecrow set on fire. No need to toss bucket of water. Toto isn't pull in back,this fraud curtain. Melting back into self-rightious. Shame it will go.
Behond ordinary I be
Behond possession I be
Behond narrow I be
Behond expectation I be
Fenced in i will not be be. Wide open I go . Reach in out to the highest pentacle.
Thad be love my friends
Sheldon quit launch in, Evil Knievel into Sissy. You might want ta figure out. How not to fly,over them handle bars. An crack in thad skull. Off that new ramp we built.
Yeah Sheldon, im try in ta listen ta the story. Member when we used ta go. To grandpa an grandma's. An we would all. Watch wizard of oz together. I used to look over at grandma's case. An all of em. Would jus come alive. Like they's was all Really walk in down. That yellow brick road together. Mom say's im go in, to have them some day. Imna have em in me an Kevin's house someday. After we get married. Jus like in ours. Sep over the tv. So we can watch em. All come alive together.
Ok,Ok, so you guy's want to hear the rest.
Anyhow when it rains look for rainbows.
When it's dark look for stars.
Back over the rainbow we go. Were things have a funny way. Of work in out.
You ain't drive in to no Hazard. Quit think in with your little wiggly. There's plenty of Lora's right here. Eat yeah one them piggly wiggly's. An use thad big head of yours. I've only sucked a few suds down. Old Willey an me, will take you home. Besides your truck ain't no charger. Duke boy's you ain't. Jesse James had a horse. An we all got plenty of bearclaws. You got plenty of courage. You don't need a medal to the heart. Like your dad, he's always with you. I'll tell yeah,somethin yeah don't know. When your dad was up at the va hospital. An that witch was flyin. Around on that broomstick. Spread in thoughs lies, an spells of witchery. My dad went up to see him. He couldn't understand for the life of him. Why P.T.S.D. was an excuse. Not for you to see your dad. Cause he wanted to yeah know. Wasn't nothin either,one of em could do. Cause thad Holier-than-thou witch. Had the upper hand. With custody of you an all. Jess what are you goin to do. After you have that broomstick.Bell goes
That house that's spinning through the air. Is a tripple twisting double back. With no monkey on my back, sweeping me away. Im a twister, that don't think, an im free. It all jus melts away. When i land, i don't bump my head miss Gulch. I own the floor with dance monkey. When my head tilts up. An my eyes go up. I smile to mom in heaven. An say thank you Jesus. Ain't no witch, on a broomstick.
Take in my mojo
Doors sound bout right know. Kristie hit that mix, on your moma's mix tape. Let's get some mojo risin in here. Girl that hair look good. You go down ta hc without me. Why in the aqua net hold. Would you do that. When yeahs chase in storms. My lord girl that big hair, ain't gonna hold. Little Avery goes
That hair's not holding for a storm. That's for AJ, an the two arm they do. The arm on bottom. The arm on the top. An that warm look in the eyes. I call it the armacallit. Joe goes
It's not for AJ. I like to look good for myself. Were best friends, weird science boy. Get that bra off your head. An mind out the gutter. Go find yeah a girlfriend. Don't need ta make you one. That ain't no electrodes hooked up. An run in through no doll. That's energy between us. An i'll tell you something, yeah don't know. Yeah don't hear, what you don't see. We say together,No One Fights Alone.
An we got all the power we need. No need for gov't computer. Our serge of Lisa's unlimited magical powers. Thad ain't no cadillac, AJ an me ride in. That's CROW-TIN-LION, she ain't no tiva either. We ride high with 3" lift. Ain't no ford either. We charge in hard in my ram. We only go four wheel drive round here. Them boys on storm chasers. Ain't from no country either. Them are mickey baja claws, claw in all the way. We don't need no fancy equipment. We got brains radar in her. Avery you've come along way, sense jumpin gymnastics. All aroundate Hazard. Don't stand a chance. You goin get that second one this year. Kristie goes
Kristie love is blind. What are you going to do. When that thunder rolls. An that lightning strikes. Don't you think that's dumb. Your not delivering dogs. Dumber is that puppy-grooming truck. Is going ta get more than dirty. Those are not snowflakes your chasing. Why don't you become a pet detective. You like dolphins, there in your room.Joe goes
I don't lose control. When i go off the rode Ventura. We doin way over thirty. It's all aces, no deuces. Jesus holds my hand.
Jesus doesn't hold anybody's hand Kristie. Moral law is hard and straight. Moral law is narrow. It is not soft. This is christianity Kristie. Joe goes
Faith is not about everything turning out ok. Faith is about being ok. No matter how things turn out. Kristie goes
Rember when we all piled in. That old white van. You guys picked up John from greenbrae movie theatre. After he got done clean in. An they both go. harrisonville family fire works, is were it's at. We all got excited. Cause we never been to Harrisonville before. An when we was all comin in the drive. Seen big mill, the old windmill. An Joe was reading that book. About the boy over in africa. Who come from a family farm of farmers. They's couldn't get the crops to grow. So the boy made them a wind . An god harnessed the wind. An there crops grew. An you spun that big wheel. Ta win that forty eight shot, black jack color war. You dropped your poor head. John said to your mom. Yeah want make some noise. Your mom took a long drag. Off that Joe cool. Looked over and goes. Let's make some noise. An your dad pulled out his wallet. Give you the money. An we got the godfather. An you could hardly carry it out. So i helped you. I still think about. When we was walk out. An looked up, how big that american flag,tent really was. Best firework story ever. Little Avery goes
That story ain't done yet. Can't forget my mom's, pan hop in, pop in, frog legs. Yeah know before we moved to town. There were times i'd feel real low. An things would get kinda heavy. With tryin ta take care of daddy an brain. An i swear i could. Sometimes still smell em. An for some reason. Images would come into my head. Clear as day, of the silo cross the rode. With that faded silver reflectin, down into the wheat. Mom would walk with Joe an me. To the end of the yard. An stop at our big satellite dish. We'd take off running for the bus. That's when i started talking to her. Most of the time though it smelled . Like brains butt bombs. He let out all over the house. Avery you pulled out, them electric ave you liked. We wasn't goin to no London our riots though. That was no ave we were ro on. We was roll in down eighty one. Daddy kissed mom, pull of coors, an yelled. ROLL ON
Sunset an we were set.
roll on daddy till
yeah get back home
You and me giggled like the little girls we were. Spread our blanket out to share. An we were all. Ready for that pan hop in, pop in good time. I looked over at mom. She was peel in the top back. On her coors light. Jess was reachin in the cooler.With his finger, inch in towards a beer. With his other hand behind his back. Nick was bent down low. Grab in the other. Mom had the can to her lips. Look in out the corner of her eye. Poisioning there brain washed minds. out the boombox Boys will be boys. That's probably the first time. Them boys started think in. With them little wiggly they got. I know it was there first taste of beer. Cause they both ended up. On the other side the Hill. Watch in fireworks from Hazard. No more war pigs have the power. Mom and dads lawn chairs tilted, in toward each other. Dad yells over everyone. God has struck the hour. They both clicked there beer cans together. Dad say's, HERE'S TO MIKE. Yeah all know Uncle Mike. After he came back from vietnam. He was all messed up. An no one cared. Dad looked over an winked at me.
I had Pinky Pie
and you had
Apple Jack member
The fireworks looked beautiful. That night over Mulberry Hill. Kristie goes
Best firework story ever Little Avery goes
I think we are all over looking something here. There's a talking duck. On what you call. That Archie Bunker chair over there. Those are not duck feet. Those appear to be slippers. On his feet... duck feet. Those feet also appear. To be the sme feet. Kristie had as a child. Slippers Sully Slipper feet. Dizzy gives the best hugs. Yeah get a warm vibe. That vibrates from head to toe. Don't be scared Joe hug 😍😂💁em. Kristie goes
You said came through the clouds. Riding on an egg. This egg had arms. An this egg was holding a suite case. Both of you, appeared to have seen him. Turning in a circle motion. Spin in himself all dizzy. as you say
He was talking to a banana. as you say
This banana was talking back. as if i not say
This flying egg your talking about. Had one big eye. that you imagined Avery
Containing a galaxy of stars, with in. as if i not say
Spin in like a funnel cloud. as you do say
Beautiful twinklin stars like a pinwheel. Swirling from amber that faded off. Into the prettiest purple ever. That you beautifully imagined Avery. This put you in some sort of hypnotic trance like state. neither the less
In this trance state. Images our memories we shall call them. First moment your eyes. Met your mothers eyes. These are not lyin eyes. You were wrapped in white you were. My word, looking down upon you. In her arms you were. Up you looked upon her. My word was it 19,26,27 images after. Holy John BA cow, memories we shall call them. Of you and your mother. God rest her soul, till the end. as i do say
A warm vibration started to vibrate, with in you. That vibrated throughout your entire body. My word holy Luke Ba cow. This sounds a lot like paradise. Was it 8,23,43, how many seconds, our did you say. It was over in a blink of an eye. as you do say Bach over Mulberry Hill. It flew away,with a trail of rainbow dust. As it made it's way. That you both beautifully imagined anyway. This my friends is not possible. This is not in the bible.as i do say
Joe you can't handle the truth.
Objection, overruled,order in the court. My question to you Slipper Feet. Sunk in that old chair over there. Looking quite comfortable, with your furry little slipper feet. Moving up, an down to the beat. Were exactly is this planet Ork.
WHY'z thank you joe'z. WHY'z this is great fun'z. Jus past the restaurant, at the end OF'z the universe. Right before the last star. At the OF'z the last galaxy.
Hum ok...Oh yes rase your right hand fur ball. I can't seem to find a bible anywhere. Hum ok...we are far behond the age of enlightenment anyway. Let us proceed on through Aquarius. There is nothing common in this era. I do not know of any other. How many light years by twelve. I believe this is not gyroscopic. However an i do say, we are microscopic. With dilemma out of the way. Eyes wide open to pray. A little mouse for want of stairs❤️🙈💕. Issac ran up a rope to say it's prayers. With a blink of an eye. There is no getting out of this trilemma. There is no year zero. AD has passed away. Heavenly body's sway two thousand one hundred, fifty years away. The kingdom of heaven will be here. All piggly wiggly in the air. Our last supper is near. There's caramel from his beak. There's a Slipper feet near. There is no caramel. Through Milky Way. Only carmel this way,the american way. Did you float on milk through the milky way. cadbury's not the only way. An egg flying through the milky way. Oxford is the way. There is no british chocolatier this way. Do we say this is a poache egg. There is a duck. Who has come to play. Mars is far away. as i do say Four horses coming this way. Mars is not the way. Did you stop to play. Did martains feed you a bar. Did it have a nougat with in. Was it sweet as honey. In your mouth back that way. Four planets away,angels this way. Sea and earth here to stay. Seven chocolate bars away. Stomach full, and bitter it shall go. Back this way my friends. come this way
Were bun bars are made. With the sweat smell of maple. Made this way, the Reggie Jackson way. Disc shape, coated milk,peanut butter filled. Bought, sold, traded any which way. It's all a cluster anyway. Can't have peanuts any which way. Were royals fans round here anyway. No judge hear, no bar to pass. Im going to kwu. Jesus leads the way. Freedom is on it's way. Reeds as cattails on a pond. Forty two months it will go. Don't tread on me. Mom's pan hop in, pop in, frog legs. Are here to stay. Let heaven shut, an let there be no rain. Let the wheat be strong, till that day. Angels and demons will come to play. Sodom and Egypt will rain. No body's in the grave. Breaking breads the way. Bread basket leads the way. Dipped in blood this way. Eucharist we shall play. Lords supper is on it's way. Clothed with sun, moon under, her feet. Dad was a missionary. Still with us, to this very day. Saint Pauls a long way. My sisters feet hit the floor. bit-o-honey 😎😍in early mourn. Satan says up again . Not nut goodie, not that goody again. Satan go away Goodwin's the name.